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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
it's its own brand of Korean Chinese xD

hahaha kdrama is full of love triangles |D that sounds weird even for kdrama haha

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
thank you :D
what's your pupper's name?

I don't understand him xD moon pie and I have an understanding, but sun cake is ????

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
hehehehehehe yes although their colors would be better swapped xD but I got moon pie first and he already knows his name

I think he just was confused by treats before. sun cake the weirdo

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
haha yes such a treat. since obviously Chinese food here isn't like American Chinese or even Chinese Chinese xD

hmm what's that one about? I never watch dramas to be fair |D

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
haha well moon pie (the first kitty) already knows alllll about it. so he's sitting and waiting for me to give him a treat. sun cake (new kitty) has no idea wtf is going on xD

yes I was worried that he'd never eat any treats, but maybe he just had no appetite before

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
ughhh yeah I was so happy to stumble upon it the first time. I used to like eating something similar to this at home

yesss but there's no more content! haha

ohhh what are you thinking of watching? people were talking about itaewon class the other day

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
yessss I tried today for the first time to train with both of them present. I hadn't been training much since getting the second one. not that I trained a ton before

but it was confusing who I was talking to and how to reward them because they would both want the treats

and it was new kitten's first time hearing the clicker and all (at least directed at him), so he was extra confused
at least he ate the treats. he didn't eat them when I first got him xD

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
haha yeah I love getting this seafood rice from the Korean Chinese restaurant

mmm I don't like subscribing to too many channels haha but since I've had so much time, I've watched a lot of videos lol

I should maybe start watching some tv series |D

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
hahaha exactly

I was just researching how to train multiple pets in the same house

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I have no other stuff to do xD

WELL I guess I could be working on personal art projects lol
but it's been 3 weeks and I've done squat

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
maybeeee I'll go get take out :d
I did have rice like on Friday I think. but moreee

I have watched everything I usually watch
orz time to subscribe to new people haha

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
haha I'll try to remember to come online since I'm not working now xD
usually I would be at work too

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I mean I know I'm not asleep
but it's when I'm used to being offline since no one is on |D

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
mannnn reading the rice talk again makes me want to get some rice

I'm finally eating some popcorn

I feel like I have nothing to watch on YouTube these days
