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yes just leaking away
probably growing mold under the sink haha because the pipe under there leaks too

just keep dripping away
who cares

no one is coming to fix it

I told my old school about it at the end. I was waiting for winter program to be over before bothering the desk teacher about it. but then we closed. and then I did ask. and he said he told the landlord because it would be the landlord who would fix it. but still no one is coming to fix it

and then I was trying to message her on kakao to come back and fix it
but she stopped responding

I had a weird dream last night about someone coming to my house to fix my sink

but she just broke it in a different way

I have changed back to default after a day of it |D

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
oh nooo poor boy
back to waiting

how are you doing in AC hahaha

I've thrown out tons of cat hair and dust

taking a break

I don't know what that means
but make sure you stay hydrated for 20 hours

ok I need to try to clean up my house a bit

roll up the cat hair

I should get a vacuum

hmmmmm I am really bad at describing games/am not that knowledgable about them xD
but I don't think so

getting the writers is randomized though so yes? |D

it does have a gacha element for collecting Memoria but I don't know haha
you collect writers and level them up to fight tainted books lol

I'm playing bungo to alchemist

and also cat game, two dots, mini motorways, Harry Potter wizards unite

just little mobile games haha
