Elle's posts
Posted in Hair Bug
Posted 7 years ago
The back braid and the posh hair don't work together for some reason. I was told by some of my friends to report it. It shows up fine in the previews, though.
Posted in Hello, hello!
Posted 7 years ago
Hello there. My name is Eliah and I'm here to party! No really, I'm here to have a good time and get to know people and enjoy the site. o/ Anyways, I'm terrible at introductions. Um. I'm a 27 year old female who has a mild obsession with birds. I have four birds living with me some more still at my mom's house. I also have a crested gecko (she's only about a year and a half or so), a dwarf hamster, and I'm fixing to get two axolotls. I love animals if you can't tell. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to video games and anime. I mainly like rpg games. I'm also terrible at shooter games or games where you have to be stealthy.