Faewild's posts
Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Ah, but the heart does so long for fancy... I was just given a couple nice items (coughINATLAKAcough) so at least now I'm not quite so... Naked.
@Amber Lynne: Ooooh, art hoards! Yes, excellent. I also enjoy rolling in other people's glorious art.
I just like art in general. Hh. The world is so full of talent. I love it.
@inatlaka: Ahh, it's um... Oh dear, it's almost 3 AM here, hehehe. Whoops, no wonder everyone's asleep... A nice family dinner sounds lovely! As does that warm cup of tea, mmm. I had a family dinner just the other night, a couple of my siblings came over and we had a miniature picnic since the weather was nice.
And then that very night it started storming, hahaha. Ah well, spring.
Also, yes, my new look is quite dashing, hm? x) Thanks to some very generous noodles hiding around here...

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you all. :)
How about yourself? Having a nice evening? Night... Morning... Ah, what is time, anyway.
@Totalanimefan: It's greatly appreciated all the same, thanks very much for your kindness!

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: I know the feeling, I hoard art like some weird hipster dragon. "You wouldn't understand, man. It's my life." Like that? but hopefully less insufferable.
I'm really glad you like it though! It's a win if it made you smile. x)

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@totalanimefan: You were too fast for me! Thank you very much for the generous tip. I will put it to good use! On pants probably.
@Kozi: No, no, it's quite alright! Thank you for the thought. Really, it's gratitude for stopping by and being kind. I'm just glad if my doodles made everyone smile. :)
@inatlaka: Oh, I forgot to mention how much I like your post style images. It's a very lovely effect! And yes, everyone seems very lively right now. It's quite fun, and the event hasn't even really started yet I believe? x) It's a good sign. I'm looking forward to when it really gets swinging.

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@Kozi: Pfffhahaha, you're welcome! I'm glad you like it so much. x) Everyone's avatars are so cute, how can I help myself?!
@Totalanimefan: You're very welcome! The thought (of tipping) is appreciated but it's totally not necessary, I wanted to draw something for you to thank you for your kindness. I'm a little out of practice so they're just rough doodles right now though...

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago



@amber lynne: Ah, I spelled your name wrong in the sketch. Sorry about that!

@Faenoire: But not you, because I'll do yours later when I know you're awake to yell at me that I did the horns wrong (probably). I'm pinging you to make sure you went to bed, though.
@totalanimefan: Thank you very much for the info, it's kind of you to stop by and offer it. That all sounds very fun and interesting, I'm looking forward to the event even more now!

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: Oof, Gaia... -Stares into the middle distance.-
Dark days, dark days indeed.
I hope you're right! I do like talking to people. I'm just very out of practice. Hehe.

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: I barely got clothes on and already there's an event, my timing is really great, hehe. I like how excited everyone seems for the event, it's nice to see so much enthusiasm.
I've been lurking on a couple threads to see what the community here was like in general before I posted anything. Everyone does seem very lovely so far, which is how I got the courage to talk just... Hm... Two days? Three? After I signed up? Hahaha, a new record for sure. It can just be so intimidating starting over somewhere new.
Glad to see you overcame your nerves too! :)

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

@Faenoire: Hm. You're grounded.
@pachi: Is it really?! If that's true that's both amazing and terrifying. I love Clip Studio, I use it for all my art, but animation is like an entirely different school of magic here. What are the rules and components?! I don't know, I just throw things in a spellcasting circle and hope something makes sparkles.
Also, yesss, good, the sig has inspired! Great success. >:) I hope you'll let me see what you create when it's finished! (Or when it's a WIP, WIPs are good too.)

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Posting is a bit harder because uh. I do not. Know how to make friends. Or talk to people very well really, hahah! But everyone here has seemed very friendly so I gave it a shot with this thread. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
@Faenoire: Aren't you supposed to be in bed, old man!?

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

I've just been playing the puzzles because they're cute, but now there's incentive!

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Ohh, I see! So playing the jigsaw does something? I just thought it was a cute little mini-game. That's very neat, thank you for telling me.

Posted in Making Friends and Influencing People
Posted 5 years ago

Hello everybody, how was your day?
I am brand new here and don't really know how events work. But everyone seems excited, so that's good.