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Well, it helps when the story is engaging and it also helps when you ignore things going on in your surrounding. I could show you the picture if you have discord
Sure, Bridgette, I've read all of the Rick Riordan books series. I think over two hundred books so far, played quite a few games, and I draw even though I suck at it so far.
What do you mean by that Godsand

No, I haven't Lupa


Boredom got to me

I'm doing well but I'm also bored, sucks that your internet is out

@LupaPrinceRomulus: poke

@GodsandPunks: poke
What did I miss?

Anyways what do you think about the class and have you thought about join the dnd session?

I'm still trying to find a artist

I just know that she has been puking a lpt

Eh It's going good, my sister isn't feeling well

Here is a link to the class