Fuwapuff's posts
Posted in What are Some "Dumb" or "Weird" Things you Were Scared of as a Child?
Posted 5 years ago
I mean I developed trypophobia from a dream I had in middle school way back in the day before it was like... more standard/normal to have this phobia and people thought I was crazy for trying to describe why I was afraid of it. I can still remember that dream vividly... ugh...
But I was frightened by the Neverending Story dragon! And of course Chucky and Freddy Kruger, but I think any kid would be afraid of those so I don't think they count as "dumb" or "weird".

Posted in Do you think "Hell" is a swear word?
Posted 5 years ago
No I do not think of it as a swear word for those same reasons. Honestly people can be shouting pure gibberish and it can cause others to get uncomfortable due to a tone. The fact that a word gets classified as a swear, therefore labeled as "bad" on the word itself alone is silly. Many other factors come into play when it involves communication with other people such as context and tone.

Posted in Daylight Savings.
Posted 5 years ago
Noooo!!! ; u ; ugh I hate the time changing stuff. Ugh... thanks for the heads up lol I was totally oblivious.

Posted in Newbie here!
Posted 5 years ago
Welcome~! There is a freebie thing if you click the moving flying ship on the banner every day you can an item or volts! I just figured that out myself lol

Posted in wrik world [keep me company while i'm bored?]
Posted 5 years ago
I can totally agree with your least favorite. I feel like Riolu's line should've been red... I don't like the yellow gold on a lot fo stuff, but it works for some. Clefairy's line should've been like purple or something...I also looove your favorite shiny line! Love the sweets

Posted in Considering a new tablet. [Art people please chime in]
Posted 5 years ago
@Count trashula:
Hi~! I am a wacom user, seems to be a minority now a days that is for sure lol I started with intuos 3 and used that for years before buying a first gen screen display cintiq 12wx and used that forever as well... I have owned and used the cintiq 13 Pro, 24 Pro and the latest Cintiq 16 (I haven't used it yet but just set it up). I honestly really do enjoy the wacom line, I do know there are alternatives and I might try out another brand like Huion in the future to truly experiment between them, but for now I'll stick with wacom.
Concerning sizes, I do enjoy my 24" a lot, but I am planning on moving so the size won't be viable for my plans while moving so I will have to sell it. The 13" imo is just too small that programs seem very cramped on it. The 16 is very nice and I think I do prefer that one more. Though I haven't drawn on it yet. I can't tell much of a difference between pro vs non-pro but my eyes are not that great anyways so that is probably why.
I did consider getting an ipad pro and apple pencil for portability reasons, but since I am not an apple user on any other front I had a hard time justifying needing that. I am also terrified of the durability of the screen in case I drop it and I don't care for apple's constant updates on their software and devices every single year. I literally only owned one ipad as a gift and it was so old, you couldn't use it or update the ios anymore so it was basically worthless... so when it comes down to art, I had been using the 12wx for many many years and that was fine and I would rather not be stuck with software issues from another company... just my opinion.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Just my thoughts and opinions, feel free to ask questions!
Hi~! I am a wacom user, seems to be a minority now a days that is for sure lol I started with intuos 3 and used that for years before buying a first gen screen display cintiq 12wx and used that forever as well... I have owned and used the cintiq 13 Pro, 24 Pro and the latest Cintiq 16 (I haven't used it yet but just set it up). I honestly really do enjoy the wacom line, I do know there are alternatives and I might try out another brand like Huion in the future to truly experiment between them, but for now I'll stick with wacom.
Concerning sizes, I do enjoy my 24" a lot, but I am planning on moving so the size won't be viable for my plans while moving so I will have to sell it. The 13" imo is just too small that programs seem very cramped on it. The 16 is very nice and I think I do prefer that one more. Though I haven't drawn on it yet. I can't tell much of a difference between pro vs non-pro but my eyes are not that great anyways so that is probably why.
I did consider getting an ipad pro and apple pencil for portability reasons, but since I am not an apple user on any other front I had a hard time justifying needing that. I am also terrified of the durability of the screen in case I drop it and I don't care for apple's constant updates on their software and devices every single year. I literally only owned one ipad as a gift and it was so old, you couldn't use it or update the ios anymore so it was basically worthless... so when it comes down to art, I had been using the 12wx for many many years and that was fine and I would rather not be stuck with software issues from another company... just my opinion.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Just my thoughts and opinions, feel free to ask questions!

Posted in Love Live!
Posted 5 years ago
@Chika: Chikachiiii~! I am happy to find another Love Liver in here! I absolutely love the series and have had far too many accounts between EN and JP of SIF, but I now have a main on both servers and have been keeping up with them daily! I also am finally invested in EN SIFAS! I tried playing on JP but it wasn't as enjoyable, but I def have an account! I would love to add more people that I can chat with, encourage and see the growth and stuff! My best girls from muse is Nozomi, Kotori and Hanayo (accidentally was all the pure girls lol) and Aqours is First years love! Ruby is my favorite there and my EN account I am aiming to get all of Ruby's cards-- though I missed some promos sadly. Maybe someday!
TBH I tried playing Deresute and Theater Days, but it doesn't hit the spot. Bandori is fun, but I play far more casually on my EN main account due to not being very generous with stars unless you pay so I'm not so intense on it.
Anyways, sorry for rambling- but happy to meet you!
TBH I tried playing Deresute and Theater Days, but it doesn't hit the spot. Bandori is fun, but I play far more casually on my EN main account due to not being very generous with stars unless you pay so I'm not so intense on it.
Anyways, sorry for rambling- but happy to meet you!

Posted in New computer? I haz it.
Posted 5 years ago
Congrats on the new laptop! It is always a blessing and also a hassle to have to readd everything and make sure all bookmarks, games, whatever gets transferred over lol
Also which server are you on FFXIV?
Also which server are you on FFXIV?

Posted in New~!
Posted 5 years ago
@Voltie omg thank you for letting me know. I just realized I can't go back and delete posts either ^^;; I'll be more careful ahhh...
thank you so much, this is the first time in months have I even drawn anything so I'm thankful something came of it~
thank you so much, this is the first time in months have I even drawn anything so I'm thankful something came of it~

Posted in wrik world [keep me company while i'm bored?]
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi hi! thanks for the welcome! Yes I am new and very happy and excited to see an active and nice community... everyone's avatar is so creative and gorgeous like wtf hahaha I can't handle it.
@hiwrik: oh man. MOOD. Which pokemon have your top 5 favorite shiny forms and which 5 have the worst (in your opinion obviously)?
@hiwrik: oh man. MOOD. Which pokemon have your top 5 favorite shiny forms and which 5 have the worst (in your opinion obviously)?

Posted in New~!
Posted 5 years ago
@Miss Sandman: Thank you! Is there a post somewhere with the available items or a way to see what items are out? Like a database or something? I love your avatar! God, everyone here is so creative!

Posted in New~!
Posted 5 years ago
@eyry: Haha thank you! Yours is blue and magical! I love it!

Posted in New~!
Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: Thank you so much!~

Posted in New~!
Posted 5 years ago

@fuwapuff: hi welcome. I love the avatar already. We have kinda like a gacha here on Voltra known as Orbs (people normally call them random item generators instead of gacha though).

@fuwapuff: hi welcome. I love the avatar already. We have kinda like a gacha here on Voltra known as Orbs (people normally call them random item generators instead of gacha though).
Oh interesting! Thanks for the heads up on that! also love your avatar as well! What would be your favorite anime series? like... top 5?