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@Hadsvich: Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and would also like the Ohm option when available!

I love Mamoswine and if I am able to participate will love to draw him!
@Hadsvich: thank you!!! I enjoy participating!
Posted in finished thanks! Posted 4 years ago
Thank you for being one of the first people to show me kindness here!
Posted in closed Posted 4 years ago
@prezial: I'm sorry to see you go! I understand that life has its way of doing a lot, and I'm glad I could get the chance to meet you and see your amazing work!!
Posted in closed Posted 4 years ago
@prezial: I hear you on all counts! I actually tried to go the more painterly route, but find myself enjoying hard lines and whatnot thanks to the pokemon challenges! I'm still trying to find my art style, but at least I'm (usually) having a good time doing it! Do you have a particular subject or general topic you like to center your work around?

Also, rolling!
I'm less familiar with this one, so I had a bit of trouble with it, buuuut

I'm Up For The Challenge!
Username: GanksDankly
My Entry:

Posted in Hello all! Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: Thank you so much on both counts! I'm trying to figure it out, lol. Having a good baseline for new avatars is definitely on the to do list!
Posted in Hello all! Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I'll be sure to be more vigilant about participating going forward! Thank you for the head's up!
Posted in Hello all! Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I'm doing well! Still trying to get my bearings. I haven't traveled much farther than the art related posts but I'm interested in being a part of the conversations!

How are things on your end?
Posted in Hello all! Posted 4 years ago
@Selikait: I'm forever grateful for it

@Merynia: Thank you very much! It's good to be here!
Posted in closed Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: I've been on lineofaction's site doing their gesture exercises. Did 55 30-second feet last night, and I'll probably do some more today. I see a lot about mileage being a big part of progress. What you said seems to be somewhat in line with that.

I would like to get better at my linework and rendering... I love art that feels 3d, but my understanding of light and shadow could use some work to get me there.

What about you? What are some art goals you have?
Posted in Event Couture Avatar Contest - Voting! Posted 4 years ago
@Selikait: Nice! I can't wait 'til I can participate in one of these!
Posted in closed Posted 4 years ago

I've been meaning to do more feet and hand studies so I don't avoid them as much anymore... I actually like drawing them quite a bit once I break through the rage portion of the process.

Posted in Hello all! Posted 4 years ago
Thank you all so much! I truly do appreciate it.

@selikait: I appreciate you sharing the things you love with me! I'll probably be asking you for a ton of help