Godawful's profile
Godawful They/Them

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i like To Doodle, Play Animal Crossing New Leaf, And Eat Sweets!Im Also Kinda Bad At Keeping Conversation. Sorry!
Jellyfish, Cats, Minimalist Photos, Abandoned Places, Cemeteries, Lakes, Swimming, Playing With Sand, Vinyl Records (And The Record Players), Acoustic Covers Of Pop Songs
Chewing Noises, Rubbing Noises(Cloth, Rubbing Hands, Etc.), People Being Mean For No Reason, Loud Noises, People Stopping Mid-Sentence, Bullies
Sew, Doodle, Play Games, Take Photos, Bake, Watch Youtube

I feel your pain! My 2ds is missing with my Hyrule warriors and all the DLC and I can't play any of my games and I'm devastated
Cute avi
And your signature art is cute too. Did you draw it?
adorable aviiii~
ahhhh thank you >/////< I'm so glad you liked it~! <3
Your new avi is really cute btw ;w;
The art you drew me is so adorable! Amazing line art! Thank you so much!
I like your avatar quite a bit. C;