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There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

Posted in Random art thoughts Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

I'm mostly self taught, so my only advice is to just keep going with it. Some things you just learn with practice, since a lot of stuff won't make sense right when you're starting. I would say just spend some time messing around with brushes on a blank canvas until you find some stuff you're comfortable working with.
The materials page for CSP has a whole buttload of brushes made by users if you some more brushes to mess with.
I can't give advice on the whole landscape thing since I'm still barely getting the hang of it.
I'm sure there's art classes outside of your college, just look up local digital art workshops and see if there's any near you

Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...


Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

You look like you're going to eat my soul

Posted in Random facts about you! Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

I have magical "parent powers". For some reason I manage to make all of my friends' parents absolutely love me and it baffles me endlessly

Posted in Films in Alphabetic order Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

Alone in the Dark

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump
