Grost's posts
Posted in Mathematical Million: The 1 Million Page Thread - Open to all!
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...
Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa bump

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There\\\'s something foul about the air here...
@Totalanimefan: Oh crap I can't believe I completely forgot about that XD thank you for reminding me

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There\\\'s something foul about the air here...
@Totalanimefan: Whatever you can offer I will greatly appreciate it ;v;
@LilMissKushy: Hi! Thank you, I'll need it lol
@Mousy: I spent three days making that spreadsheet :viosweat: I think I have a problem lol
@LilMissKushy: Hi! Thank you, I'll need it lol
@Mousy: I spent three days making that spreadsheet :viosweat: I think I have a problem lol

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...
You may post now as I work on the formatting :D

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
Other Things I'm Questing for
A boatload of Alphaca Plushes (4/15)
250k Milestone (City Scape)
Floral Halo
Candy Corn Witch Belt
King's Brothers
Missing Spell Book
Mom Fashion
Pride Cardigan 2k19
Sea Witch
Skullie Background
Skullie Belt
Skullie Head
Skullie Helmet
Static in Wonderland
Summer Deer
Trick's Victory
Vreg is King
Vreg's Treeshure
Vregory's Friends
Feline Fatale
Magical Mystery
Sticky Fingers
Year of the Tiger
Ballad of the Bard
Keep Warm
Xogud Split
Zaz La
A boatload of Alphaca Plushes (4/15)

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
Item Tracking for the Really Dumb Task
Updated: May 20 2020
It will be a lot easier for me to show what I have currently than what I don't have:
Updated: May 20 2020
It will be a lot easier for me to show what I have currently than what I don't have:
- Bikini Top - Marshmallow, Plum
- Tube Top - Ice, Storm
- Elegant Dress - Coal, Shortcake
- Summer Hold-Up - Marshmallow, Strawberry
- Tutu Dress - Cotton Candy
- Galactic Gown - Marshmallow
- Baggy Shirt - Blush
- Lazy Beach T - Bark
- Peter Pan Blouse - Sky
- Puffy Blouse - Beige, Khaki, Marshmallow
- Strapless Top - Beige, Cotton Candy, Marshmallow, Plum
- Tailored Shirt - Coal
- Tank - Storm
- Tea Top - Cotton Candy
- Tuckin' Tee - Shortcake
- Will's Top - Coal, Wine
- Vermillion Top - Marshmallow
- Coal Priest Digger Robe - Coal
- Raver Croptop - Midnight
- Turtleneck - Blush
- House Cape - Coal, Strawberry
- Stockings - Beige, Marshmallow, Sky
- Socks - Blush, Marshmallow
- Orb Earrings - Strawberry
- Pumpkin Mask - Cloud
- Raver Mask - Cloud, Ice
- Elegant Gloves - Cloud
- Arm Bandages - Coal, Marshmallow
- Magic Sparkles - Coal
- Pencil - Sunshine
- House Wand - Storm
- Will's Cane - Coal
- Purse - Coal
- Crescent Necklace - Midnight
- Multi Necklace - Storm
- Beige Pompom Beanie - Coal
- Coal Mini Witch Hat - Wine
- Coal Tophat - Coal
- Marshmallow Mini Witch Hat - Plum
- Vermillion Shawl - Coal
- Large Bow - COMPLETE
- Hairbow - Crocodile
- Pet Crow - Coal
- DtL Gradient BG - Eggplant, Sky
- LtD Gradient BG - Sunset
- DtL Top Faded BG - Coal, Crocodile, Midnight
- DtL Bottom Faded BG - Coal, Honey, Midnight
- LtD Bottom Faded BG - Ice
- Cutie Right Bun - Coal
- Cutie Left Bun - Coal
- Cute Tails - Coal
- Afro - Marshmallow
- Beach Blanket Butch - Blush
- Choppy Layers - Cloud, Coal, Khaki
- Feathertail Hair - Cobalt, Marshmallow
- Honey Hair - Bubblegum, Cherry, Strawberry
- Lolita Curls - Coal, Cotton Candy
- Princess Hair - Mint
- Ran Hair - Bubblegum, Coal
- Shaggy - Coal
- Short Ponytail - Coal, Sea
- Wild Mane - Cloud, Ice, Sky, Wine
- Will's Hair - Coal, Shortcake, Tangerine
- Foxy Bangs - Coal
- Bunny Slippers - Sea
- Casual Boots - Cherry, Marshmallow
- Chunky Heels - Beige, Sky
- Fluffy Slippers - Sea
- Sports Shoes Red - Sea
- Witch Boots - Sea
- Velvet's Boots - Marshmallow
- Base - Blush, Coal, Eggplant, Lavender, Marshmallow, Storm, Strawberry, Sunset, Taffy
- Basic Ear - COMPLETE
- Big Pointy Ears - Storm
- Cat Ears - Lavender
- Doggo Ears - Eggplant, Lavender
- Long Elf Ear - Strawberry
- Alert Cat Eyes - Cherry
- Beach Blanket Sparkle Eyes - Forest
- Deer Eyes - DT 1
- High Loving Gaze - Cotton Candy
- Magma Eyes - COMPLETE
- Piercing Eyes - Cherry
- Rat Eyes - DT 1, Lavender
- Saucy Eyes - Crocodile, Ice, Lime
- Side Eyes - Cherry, Coal, Cotton Candy
- Sneaky Eyes - Cotton Candy
- Unamused Eyes - Cherry
- Cat Tail - Lavender
- Doggo Tail - Eggplant, Lavender
- Harvest Flush - Strawberry, Sunset
- Freckles - DT 1
- Summer Sunscreen - Sky
- Black Eye - DT 2, Eggplant, Sky
- High Heart Beauty Mark - Shortcake
- Tears - Ice
- Rat Whiskers - Coal
- Cheek Bandage - Beige
- Heart Eyeshadow - Blush, Marshmallow, Shortcake
- Angry Eyebrows - Bubblegum, Cherry, Khaki, Strawberry
- Frosty Brows - Shortcake
- Raised Brows - Cloud, Coal
- Saucy Brows - Sea, Tangerine
- Simple Brows - Cloud
- Slanted Brows - Tea
- Worried Brow - Cherry, Coal, Cotton Candy, Ice, Marshmallow, Shortcake, Sky
- C.L.O.W.N. Nose - Plum, Wine
- Doggo Nose - Plum
- Rat Nose - Storm
- Simple Nose - COMPLETE
- Nose Bandage - Beige, Khaki
- Double Left Eyebrow Piercings - Storm
- Eyebrow Piercing - Storm
- Tribal Arm Left Tattoo - Sea
- Beach Blanket Cheese - Cheese
- Lip Gloss - Wine
- Pouty Lips - Blush, Lavender, Shortcake, Strawberry, Wine
- Queenly Lips - Wine
- Rat Mouth - Coal
- Saucy Smirk - DT 1
- Uh Mouth - DT 1, DT 2
- Vichard's Pout - COMPLETE
- Wide Grin - Sunset
- Wide Smile - Tea
- Worried Mouth - DT 1
- Chunky Moustache - Marshmallow

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
Number Tracking for the Really Dumb Task
Updated: May 20 2020
For those that didn't care to look at the spreadsheet in the "The Goal" post:
Total Current Items: 24,495
Total Complete Cost: 8,519,975 v
Current Purchases: 446
Current Volts Paid: 111,500 v
Progress: 1.9%
I'm not including RRR items since those also require out-of-commons items in some of the recipes
For a little bit of sharts and giggles I also added a little cell that calculates how much IRL USD this would all cost, going by the 1
= 20
rate given on the price guide which currently stands at a whopping 4,204.65USD
Updated: May 20 2020
For those that didn't care to look at the spreadsheet in the "The Goal" post:
Total Current Items: 24,495
Total Complete Cost: 8,519,975 v
Current Purchases: 446
Current Volts Paid: 111,500 v
Progress: 1.9%
I'm not including RRR items since those also require out-of-commons items in some of the recipes
For a little bit of sharts and giggles I also added a little cell that calculates how much IRL USD this would all cost, going by the 1

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
A huge huge thank you to the following people:
Totalanimefan: 20,000v (go check out her commons charity)
A huge huge thank you to the following people:
Totalanimefan: 20,000v (go check out her commons charity)

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
The Goal
"So Grost, what's this impossible quest that's in the title?"
Well, strap in toads and toadettes, cause this is gonna be a bumpy ride to me:
Now, in case you don't realise how monstrously impossible this is, here's a link to the spreadsheet I made to get all the numbers together for this
Now, of course I could just give up right now but what would a Grost quest be without some stupendously dumb task to never be finished?
Feel free to toss me any commons you have but don't want if they're not on my lists, I will greatly appreciate it
"So Grost, what's this impossible quest that's in the title?"
Well, strap in toads and toadettes, cause this is gonna be a bumpy ride to me:
Now, in case you don't realise how monstrously impossible this is, here's a link to the spreadsheet I made to get all the numbers together for this
Now, of course I could just give up right now but what would a Grost quest be without some stupendously dumb task to never be finished?
Feel free to toss me any commons you have but don't want if they're not on my lists, I will greatly appreciate it

Posted in Grost's Vile Venture - The Impossible Quest
Posted 5 years ago
Vile Venture
The stankiest quest around
Brought to you by your unbathed pal, Grost
Grab some protection and join me on the most impossible quest to ever exist!
(Feel free to use these in your posts or signatures, just credit me when you use them outside of this thread)

The stankiest quest around
Brought to you by your unbathed pal, Grost
Grab some protection and join me on the most impossible quest to ever exist!
(Feel free to use these in your posts or signatures, just credit me when you use them outside of this thread)
