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Posted in Do u ever miss ur old (toxic) friends? Posted 4 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

A big fat nope, I was gullible and malleable at the time and they were really really really bad people, they made me do and say some... rather not okay things that would get me thrown off the internet today and I'm haunted constantly that that stuff will come back and completely kill me and everything I've been working towards. I've changed almost completely from who I was then and I'm thankful for my newer friends that have helped me not be a horrible person.

Posted in St Patty's B-Day! Posted 4 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

There's less than 20 minutes left in the day so there's just a lil more time left! I had these really delicious donuts from this local donut shop and hung out at home all day just doing whatever I wanted in a dinosaur onesie my mom bought me for my birthday.
Sometimes it's really nice to have a birthday where there isn't much going on, I don't like everyone making a big deal out of it in my family because they can be a bit... extra lol
How has everyone's St Patty's gone?

Posted in "So what's your favorite..." Posted 4 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

I struggle with the whole "what's your favourite..." but if someone asks me "what's your least favourite..." I will immediately start up a rant and keep going for hours

Posted in St. Patty's Pinch -Winners Announced Posted 4 years ago
There's something foul about the air here...

@Ruby: Hey it was my birthday, I was too busy to make him wear a green one! I've been wearing my green dino onesie irl so that counts, right?

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump

There's something foul about the air here...

Bump bump bump, ba dump a dump bumpa dump
