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Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I love the art community on avatar sites I also just kinda like the forum format - there's not a lot of pressure to post or respond unless you wanna, some conversations are more structured (like in topic threads) which is easier for ppl who can't keep up rando conversation well (ahaha.. me... i hate small talk)

on the other side
MAN there is so much DRAMA on these sites sometimes ahahaha

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: booo that's lame
I think my uni probably had professional art clubs too, but ofc why would I join that when I can join... the anime art club?? hello??????
I love the chill/supportive fun art environment. it's so important to have people that are just genuinely interested in your art and want to see you make cool things.

oh it's not like a funny meme, it's like a drawing meme (challenge? prompt?) haha
hhhHH im hesitant to show it tho bc I drew it SO FAST and it's so lazy..

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@Moodyb: it's awesome to branch out and do new things! I think adding backgrounds to your usual art (people) would really make it a full piece. I can see how it would help you tell a story through the drawing.

oh like a terrarium? that sounds really neat plants are fun to draw too.
getting a sticker of your own art would be so cool. I think it's really motivating to see your art in physical form.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: haha when I was in school, I joined art clubs! it was my way of getting to meet other people who like to draw.
in middle/high school, I think avatar sites made up a big portion of my sense of "art community". I think that's why I got nostalgic and why I'm on voltra now since I'm no longer in school so there's no art club.

I actually don't draw very often bc time ADLFKJ REAL TALK I don't think I've drawn anything since....... august?? and I think that was a meme

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I've heard about the new topic notification thing but I've never seen it before ALDFKJ

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!] Posted 4 years ago

haha that IS the question..
hmm, you could ask for avatar or OC art, that's always a popular choice.
in the past, people have requested things like "a dog" or "something crow-related" or "cute birds sitting in a parfait". I've also seen ppl request art of voltra NPCs!

it can be kind of vague and up to the artist too, if you'd like.
example, in an old art exchange (not this one) I got asked to draw a winter-themed fantasy character

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2020 [gifts posted!] Posted 4 years ago

hell yeahhh excited for all of you it'll be fun I promise

and DYING you'll get hachi art if someone falls through
I sure hope not tho bc I think I've forgotten how to draw

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

Im sorry about your experience with all those terrible people, shadami
I hope you've been able to cut most of them out of your life. surround yourself only with people who will support you!

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@Moodyb: yeah sometimes the hardest thing to do is to just start! haha
im sure if you keep at your studies you'll be great at painting! everyone's gotta start somewhere.

that sounds like fun. I think incorporating interesting colors is an exciting part of painting.

that's awesome! glad you got some nice pieces out of it I feel kinda the same with the stuff I made during artfight. it's taken me a long time to learn, but it's ok to not like everything we make. I think it's good to focus on the stuff that we are proud of too.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

aww everyone's art class experiences..
I had a really amazing art teacher in high school, she was so supportive and REALLY great at teaching technique. she always said she was more of a coach (like a sports coach) than a teacher - art is a skill that you can learn with practice. that was the core of her teaching.

I did AP studio art my senior year and decided that I wouldn't last 2 weeks in art school HAHA so there it is

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@Moodyb: ohh environment studies sounds fun. I need to work on backgrounds too
are you painting mountains for your new one as well?

10 days is honestly a lot! usually I can only do like 5 days of a daily art prompt before I get tired haha. I think that's impressive and it's good that you had fun and learned some things. I think that's the main takeaway from things like this.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

everyone's pets so cute..

Posted in Hello, newbie coming through Posted 4 years ago

hey welcome to voltra!
here's a newbie guide that might be useful.
we've got an event going on right now, you can click the mirror icon at the top to get started!

lmk if you have any questions

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: I'm glad that you've been feeling better recently! are you still doing a lot of art studies?
haha that's okay, hands are really hard at least you are getting the practice in!