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Posted in redrawing! Posted 5 years ago
○○❀ @pachi: Big same I like noses and shoulders I GUESS
○○❀ @LordLucre: Thank you! :)
○○❀ @Totalanimefan: I support you!
I just am drawing a lot lately so I get distracted :)
Posted in Ok so is anyone else like this ? ; v ; ? Posted 5 years ago
○○❀ I get reeeeaallllly close to the paper or canvas
and then am like
"ah, see, this is why you need stronger glasses every year"
Posted in redrawing! Posted 5 years ago
I didnt do it intentionally
I didnt know I drew an OC already but I drew it a while ago? maybe 17?


\o/! Still 3/4th turn facing left BUT LOOK there's some improvement there :D I liket he seocnd one more. First boy is Edgy McEdgerton.
○○❀ @pachi: He is a warlock and the eyes lok weird but itll make sense when colored but yessss I lobe his nose
Love nosessss

Got a fixation bruv
○○❀ @Totalanimefan: real talk DX
for now ihover n lurk
○○❀ @pachi: UuU Workin on tryna get his design right hes real new
○○❀ @pachi: i am done with it I have moved on to sketch older menz
○○❀ @pachi: DDDDDDDDDDD: Awful

because you GREAT

this is what i eventually went with notice how two are neaRLY THE SAME ANGLE ogogogogo
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
○○❀ Woah I didnt even notice till you said it

○○❀ @pachi: i should ALSO but like again shoes are HARD its a CRUTCH
○○❀ @pachi: doin a commission and im like "i should challenge myself' and im like 'challenge myself on my weakest parts yeh'

>:U Gonna keep chaning it up
○○❀ @pachi: Yus we are WORKING ON IT
shoes are hard like different angles