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totally. i'm definitely not a planner either, more of a go with the flow type
but unfortunately, that means nothing i want to do ever ends up getting done
so i'm trying to get better at doing a little bit of planning - nothing too extreme
just like, setting up a short task list for the days i want stuff to be done, like cleaning or shopping etc
fair enough! i had the day off yesterday and all i had planned was to do some cleaning
but just getting myself to start that was.... difficult to say the least
deep cleaned the bathroom and called it a day lol
and I'm not even really finished with it

thanks! will do
but how are you? anything new and exciting? or spooky??
we're pretty safe where we are, but i really feel for all those that had to be evacuated
it's a horrible time to be displaced, looking for hotels or trying to travel to stay with friends or relatives
there's definitely an ominous feeling in the air

buuuut it's alright, i feel like everyone's hanging in there as best as we can
we're pretty used to fires here and we know what to do in these situations
good morning!
there was another massive fire in california, this time really really close to where i work
my work is just outside the evacuation zone but the orange hazy smoke in the air is definitely... spooky

oooh i'm about to paint our walls too! i haven't got any of the supplies or the paint picked out,
but i said i'm gonna do it so i gotta do it lol
now i'm a little inspired to go bold blue... *eyes emoji*
good spooky morning everyone!
i seriously spend a week just lurking voltra before i can get myself to feel like socializing
lol but at least i made an effort to chat in one thread today
Posted in Calling all vegans! Posted 4 years ago
soup! it's so versatile and so yummy
you can buy it a can and it takes 5 mins, or you can make it yourself if you feel like it
blending your veggies like butternut squash or peas can make the soup a creamier consistency, without adding cream
also.... it's finally soup weather!
hehe i been waitin for this
Posted in Greetings from Texas! Posted 4 years ago
hi welcome ! i love your avi, it's so cute and ethereal !!
when i first started, pretty sure i was nakey for a good few days lol

anyways, i'm chai, and if you ever see me around in the forums pls say hi !
i hope you enjoy your time here on voltra, i know i have ^^
Posted in Menewsha Refugee! Posted 4 years ago

love the avi by the way! some sick color combos and spooky vibes
Posted in Menewsha Refugee! Posted 4 years ago

hi ! i know i'm a little late to the welcoming party but i've kinda taken a week off of my social sites hehe
welcome ! i see you kinda got the rundown already, not that i would have that much to offer since i'm pretty new here myself
just a few months

anyways, i hope you're enjoy your time here
feel free to say hi anytime you see me around !
gotta get me a scythe to get in the reaper spirit
my stoke levels are at 100%
omg is that what the event is gonna be called?
that's... that's epic..

adorable. voltra has some of the coolest items i've ever seen on an avatar site
makes me want to participate more so i can collect tons of dope stuff