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Posted in [Introduction] Back on my newb sh*t Posted 7 months ago
Thanks so much for the warm welcome Ruby!
I hope to stick around and add something positive to the community here.
Avatar based forum sites seem to be dying and it honestly makes me sad :(

Does your artist tag mean that you're an official artist for the website?
Posted in [Introduction] Back on my newb sh*t Posted 7 months ago
I don't think I've ever heard of "Over the Garden Wall" Please feel free to info dump about it lol
As far as the collab shop I've been a part of one of those on Gaia before. I'd be interested in that if you ever started it.

Melanie Martinez is like the opposite of metal lol
I recommend watching the story of Crybaby (her first album) as the music videos tell a story
and it's a nice blend of cute and creepy. Ace Vane is a rapper but I started following him on youtube
because he makes parody videos and it's hilarious lol
T- Pain has just been chill lately. Still dropping music but it's mostly singles now
and he streams on twitch and plays games with his wife

Lucky for me my husband is a DM and he always has campaign ideas
He's doing one now where it's kinda like SAO?
in that it's kinda a game inside of a game and you have a character sheet for your IRL character
and one for your in game character. It sounds confusing but his players have had a lot of fun.
If you're ever interested hubby knows a lot of other DMs he can refer you to as well.

I completely understand being hyper focused and obsessive. I literally do the same thing xD
So I wanted to play stardew after the update but I had to wait for bugs to be fixed and stuff
I updated mods and added more and I really wanna play it vanilla on my switch first T^T
And Palia I started at the end of May and I'm already kinda burnt out
But that's good because that means I can work on my art and not ignore everyone xD
Posted in [Introduction] Back on my newb sh*t Posted 7 months ago
Good to know!
I'm so excited someone answered!
I was starting to think this place might be dead.
I honestly encourage you to make an art shop or hangout here.
In this troubling time of AI I'm really craving some real artists and art lovers to bond with

As far as other things I'm into I love the Nightmare Before Christmas and just about anything spooky and cute
I like Melanie Martinez, Oliver Tree, Ace Vane and T-Pain
I play D&D with my husband on the weekends
I love playing Stardew Valley and recently I've been playing Palia on my switch
It's been a lot of fun doing food parties there.
Posted in [Introduction] Back on my newb sh*t Posted 7 months ago
Hello all!
My name is Icey. I used to play on Gaia online back in high school and have been looking for
a better alternative since the toxicity & inflation got out of hand and zOMG got shut down
I made an account here a while ago but never used it because I literally had to buy a face???
Anyway I'm here trying to give this a shot.

What I really liked about gaia and what I miss the most is the art community there.
I hope I will have fun here. Are there any rules I should know about?
like how I am allowed to decorate my posts?
Menewsha didn't allow me to decorate my post like I used to on Gaia
They considered it spammy. just don't want to break any rules
Posted in Art Gulag [ Come get this Commish!! ] Posted 7 months ago
Just wanted to tell you your art is amazing!