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cant replace*
@AelloTyphoeus: its an alcatel fierce 4
@Shadami: my old tablet was worse than my phone. it didnt matter if the battery was at 10% or 99%, it thought it was dying all the time so i had to have it be charging all the time
and then its stopped charing
@Totalanimefan: alcatel fierce 4 and idk y the length would matter :I if it has something to do with the battery i already know its internal, thus i can replace it
@Shadami: I have no idea how it happened
one day it was fine
the next day its dead
it couldnt even fully charge OVER 8 HOURS
woooooo i need to get a new phone :vanora_cry:
the battery went kaput yesterday and now i cant use it at all when its charging and it depeltes SUPER FAST when not charging so YAY :'d the battery is internal too
aaaannnyyy ways i fhibj in gonna 0lay sone deserved rhhm games so seeya

@RainbowPanda: o fun
when that happens i eat the easiest thinf
@superbearwars: ik :vanora_stunned: my mom just rllt liked her
@Lithinel: thwy sure are
love the flawwed school system
@RainbowPanda: eh moments happen
that's life
are u not able to eat?
@superbearwars: aw man i hate my current therapist xox I'm hoping to make it some family therapy and maybe it'll go better with my kom there tooo
@Lithinel: class is just SO BORING sometimes
@superbearwars: ya, can't wait to go home now lol
@RainbowPanda: hmm! just gonna b slow for a while emotionally n physically
mm just had lunch.
@superbearwars: I'm doing better. I'm gonna b slow the rest of the day tho
@Lithinel: relatable.
9 love sitting on my phone in class
@RainbowPanda: doin well overall :D I had a bad moment last. hour tho n fought back an xniety attack :vanora_stunned:
how about u?
@RainbowPanda: hoiya! sorry for taking a while had busy classes
@AelloTyphoeus: ooo fancy!
sorri I havey school lol
@AelloTyphoeus: ooo nice hope u get one soon! :D