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@Unicorn: Lol yeah, I want to see that. xD Sadly the only "horror" movie I've watched so far this season is Jennifer's Body which is more of a gory comedy in my eyes. I need to watch some Hocus Pocus, classic Halloween movie. <3
@Unicorn: Who's ready to watch some horror movies?
@Unicorn: Lol maybe just a bit, but in a fun way. xP
@Unicorn: Just a group of cats with the same face and their heads on backwards.. xD ~shudders~
@Unicorn: Yay! ^^ Thank you.
Lol definitely. xD You could put the emote on all the cat heads lol. That would actually be kinda creepy though.. their heads would be backwards.

-1st to quote this gets a point-

Yes, I did my favorite is this one
but the rest are all cute I love them

@Unicorn: I like that one too. ^^
@Unicorn: I'll look into it. =] Thank you.
Btw, did you see the new emojis for halloween?
@Unicorn: I'm sorry, I didn't either. My sunburn kept me up and once I fell asleep I kept waking up when it moved and it hurt.
@Unicorn: Np. =] Hope you slept well last night and that we can talk soon.
@Unicorn: I love it. =] Makes me think of Hocus Pocus.. but if there was more than one child turned into a cat and only one witch.
Posted in Unicorn Galaxy [CLOSED] Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: Thanks, I slept okay last night. <3 Hope you did and had a good day.
@Unicorn: Oooh the quoting image is so pretty. ^^
Posted in Unicorn Galaxy [CLOSED] Posted 7 years ago
I won't do that then lol. We don't have a lot of snow here, but it's usually cold most of the winter.
Posted in Unicorn Galaxy [CLOSED] Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I'm glad to hear that. =]
It's interesting, but a lot of information to take in.
I'm doin' alright, kind of tired though.