Ishoji's posts
Posted in Tea Party For Creepers
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: oh nice that's the best xD I'm sure you love your kid but having a break here and there is probably bliss too
and awe >: at least he'll be back tomorrow
and awe >: at least he'll be back tomorrow

Posted in teabun || open
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: oh didn't know hello kitty had a doc martins collaboration xD but now that you mention it yeah I got a pair of doc martens over $100
oh gees those are cheap for shoes, most of my shoes are like $50 (then again I usually go for branded shoes lmao) they tend to last longer than the cheaper shoes I'd get though
oh gees those are cheap for shoes, most of my shoes are like $50 (then again I usually go for branded shoes lmao) they tend to last longer than the cheaper shoes I'd get though

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
@boris: lolol you'd win if you challenged me xD

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@boris: oh my bad xD sorry it's so hard with so many conversations going on
@lithinel: well I'm not really hungry but it smells so good q v q
@boss rimi: awe you should eat if you're hungry
@lithinel: well I'm not really hungry but it smells so good q v q
@boss rimi: awe you should eat if you're hungry

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@rainbowpanda: aha that's fair xD I'm just slow with posting
and because it's almost 10 pm lmao
@lithinel: christmas is big for my family so it's probably one of my favorites xD but halloween is so fun
and because it's almost 10 pm lmao
@lithinel: christmas is big for my family so it's probably one of my favorites xD but halloween is so fun

Posted in Ravaen's Creepers Event Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: oh nice, I used to admin a rp group on da but we've since closed it xD
I've modded a few groups on gaia but those have closed too
and some other smaller things but yeah, it's a lot of work either way
@blinkini: awe >: maybe you should get something if you're hungry though
I've modded a few groups on gaia but those have closed too
and some other smaller things but yeah, it's a lot of work either way
@blinkini: awe >: maybe you should get something if you're hungry though

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
what's everyone up to? as I smell this fried chicken and really want to eat it lmao

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: yes of course, me and chai plan to do a christmas one already LOL

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
lolol it's ok I can't keep up with it either but I'm trying, sorry to those I don't see
@rainbowpanda: you're so good at it, teach me lmao
@rainbowpanda: you're so good at it, teach me lmao

Posted in Ravaen's Creepers Event Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@blinkini: oh gees, well you can snack on something for now until he finally wakes up?
@ravaen: same xD but not for an avatar site, it's mostly been for groups here and there
@ravaen: same xD but not for an avatar site, it's mostly been for groups here and there

Posted in teabun || open
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: awe sorry to hear that >: hopefully it isn't too pricey? over $100 is my limit for shoes //shot

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@boris: ah it's not too late xD you can still make something to eat
@ravaen: well I'm glad everyone does, this just means I'll make similar threads in the future xD
@unicorn: no worries, double posting is fine xD just not triple cause that's against the rules
@ravaen: well I'm glad everyone does, this just means I'll make similar threads in the future xD
@unicorn: no worries, double posting is fine xD just not triple cause that's against the rules

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@ravaen: good luck because I can't even do it and it's my own thread LOL
@pixiebuns: oh yeah go rest and spend time with your boyfriend =w=b have fun
@pixiebuns: oh yeah go rest and spend time with your boyfriend =w=b have fun

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
@boris: lolol I could but I am pretty lazy so there's that xD
oh riddles...I'm bad at those lmao
oh riddles...I'm bad at those lmao