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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Yeah the rumble would be very necessary in that case then.

<< Must contain myself and not splurge after I've already splurged lolol

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Oh as long as there is some sort of sound/visual tell I would be okay then
bc while the rumble would be nice I assume for ac I will be paying attention to it for the most part

And it looks like all the games I would want to play can be played on the lite >>
the temptation is real now

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Is fishing impossible without the rumble feature? >> Or are there other tells?
Asking bc anything that would make fishing harder for me or impossible MEANS I WILL NOT GO THAT ROUTE.

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Posted in Freebie thread Posted 5 years ago
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@Frossy: u get the obligatory freebie for posting in this thread
how dare u have such a cluttered avatar that is all one color xDDDD


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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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:( RIP
I desperately want a switch but can I justify it???
especially with the hours I'm working???
I'm debating a switch lite bc I could justify that, but I need to see if any of the games I need wouldn't be able to be played on it. Since I'm very basic on my game choices lolol

Does the event end before two weeks is over? :(

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Posted in Freebie thread Posted 5 years ago
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@Amber Lynne: Did it succeed? :DDD

@Mandy Amour: Ooofo not a lot of sleep. But yeah at least you got to sleep a bit! :D

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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At least Shinryu is easy?
You can do him with like 5 people I think?
It'd just be annoying probably

me staring at Suzaku/Seiryuu, i will stab u with a spoon given any chance >>

I spent all my money on things I did not need but wanted lmao
none of which were a switch, but I TREATED MYSELF A BIT. And bought some stuff I did need so I wasn't totally irresponsible.

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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
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Oh no rip masa

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Posted in A lemony quest for one lemon Posted 5 years ago
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I can be a genius once every 10 years.
This is my moment. ;)

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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Lol! Max jumps and wacks his back/head against the table VERY HARD and it doesn’t seem to phase him. So maybe the neck rolls don’t hurt if you pull on them.

Oooooh job starting!!

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Posted in ⋆ e endeavors to quest ⋆ Posted 5 years ago
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She is the problem this time!!

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Posted in Freebie thread Posted 5 years ago
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@Amber Lynne: Will it succeed we do not know.

@Mandy Amour: Omg so much just to go to sleep. xDD

I'm glad you liked it. u wu

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Posted in Freebie thread Posted 5 years ago
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@Amber Lynne: poor potato computer
it is doing its best

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Posted in Kairie's Closet Posted 5 years ago
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We are! :D
I decided to put the botanist to good use before april items are released and I flock towards them uwu

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