Kaybit's posts
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago

Mmmh dat hair~

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago

6/250 shells

Posted in Batsy's beach Party|Posting Game Added!
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: No worries~
I thought so xD I just wanted to make sure ;w;
Lookin out booboo
@MoodyBats: Yeah~ It's an exciting thing ;w;
Yeah my first wacom one had like, no pen pressure but the wacom one I have now is great for now until I can get a new one ^^;
I'm super bad with express keys tbh xD
Oh no ;A; Cramps are terrible ;A;
I usually have like, a lot of back pain the day before and the first day or two and then I just feel crappy afterwards xD
Aw I get dat rushed resume feel
I've been trying to improve my resume tbh ^^;
But at least your cover letter was nice~
I thought so xD I just wanted to make sure ;w;
Lookin out booboo
@MoodyBats: Yeah~ It's an exciting thing ;w;
Yeah my first wacom one had like, no pen pressure but the wacom one I have now is great for now until I can get a new one ^^;
I'm super bad with express keys tbh xD
Oh no ;A; Cramps are terrible ;A;
I usually have like, a lot of back pain the day before and the first day or two and then I just feel crappy afterwards xD
Aw I get dat rushed resume feel
I've been trying to improve my resume tbh ^^;
But at least your cover letter was nice~

Posted in Batsy's beach Party|Posting Game Added!
Posted 7 years ago

@MoodyBats: Yaaaaasss~
When I got the tablet I use now I was sooo excited about the pen pressure xD
Yeah gross is definitely relatable xD
And the tired thing
But that's good that your last one wasn't that bad~
Yeah I think my first resume experience was super stressful
Now I just kinda find it boring xD
And yeah~ A second pair of eyes is always good~
Dragon: Oooh hopefully you can get the car fixed up soon~ ;w;
And I'm sure it'd be worth it if it's a place you both wanna go~
When I got the tablet I use now I was sooo excited about the pen pressure xD
Yeah gross is definitely relatable xD
And the tired thing
But that's good that your last one wasn't that bad~
Yeah I think my first resume experience was super stressful
Now I just kinda find it boring xD
And yeah~ A second pair of eyes is always good~
Dragon: Oooh hopefully you can get the car fixed up soon~ ;w;
And I'm sure it'd be worth it if it's a place you both wanna go~

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago


Posted in You Can Stand Under My Umbrella | [Hangout]
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: It does ;w;
Because I'm an awkward bean that doesn't know how to just jump in to other threads and talk without feeling weird ;A;
Dragon: Eyyyyy~
Because I'm an awkward bean that doesn't know how to just jump in to other threads and talk without feeling weird ;A;
Dragon: Eyyyyy~

Posted in Khajitten's Glaring ~ Come Chat!
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: Alrighty~
I appreciate you ;w;
I appreciate you ;w;

Posted in Batsy's beach Party|Posting Game Added!
Posted 7 years ago

@MoodyBats: I did mention the posting game to a friend so maybe they'll join~ (I say and then they join)
And that's awesome~
I'm looking into some wireless ones too tbh~
Ooohhhh I get you
I get all emotional and gross when I start mine
And resumes are........soooo fuuuunnnnnnnnn
Good luck with that~ <3
Dragon: Aw hopefully you get to relax and are able to celebrate ;w;
I've been okay ^^; Pretty anxious but trying to keep busy ^^;
@Khajitten: Eyyyy~ Make sure you number your posts if you wanna be part of the posting game~ ^^
And that's awesome~
I'm looking into some wireless ones too tbh~
Ooohhhh I get you
I get all emotional and gross when I start mine
And resumes are........soooo fuuuunnnnnnnnn

Good luck with that~ <3
Dragon: Aw hopefully you get to relax and are able to celebrate ;w;
I've been okay ^^; Pretty anxious but trying to keep busy ^^;
@Khajitten: Eyyyy~ Make sure you number your posts if you wanna be part of the posting game~ ^^

Posted in You Can Stand Under My Umbrella | [Hangout]
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: Needa get dem shells boi~
-gonna just casually draw in the sand-
-gonna just casually draw in the sand-

Posted in Khajitten's Glaring ~ Come Chat!
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: Yeah, looking to see if anywhere is hiring near by ^^;
Gonna see if any of the apartments we used to live in are available
Gonna see if any of the apartments we used to live in are available

Posted in Batsy's beach Party|Posting Game Added!
Posted 7 years ago

Dragon: How are you doing~?
@MoodyBats: Hopefully some more people come in~
And oooh new tablet~ I hope you like it <3
And yeahhhh I've been relatively okay for a little while but these past few days have been rough ^^;
Oh no that's sucky ;A;
But I'm glad you're at least a little okay ;A;
@MoodyBats: Hopefully some more people come in~
And oooh new tablet~ I hope you like it <3
And yeahhhh I've been relatively okay for a little while but these past few days have been rough ^^;
Oh no that's sucky ;A;
But I'm glad you're at least a little okay ;A;

Posted in Khajitten's Glaring ~ Come Chat!
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: Yeah ^^; I've been looking for a place tbh because of a lot of the crap

Posted in You Can Stand Under My Umbrella | [Hangout]
Posted 7 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: Thanks~ ;w;
I like your avi~
@Khajitten: Ey bby~
I like your avi~
@Khajitten: Ey bby~

Posted in + Oh Boi Another Quest +
Posted 7 years ago

@Khajitten: Sure thing bby~ I gotchu