Kent's posts
Posted in Half-Demon’s Thoughts
Posted 3 years ago
There's this teenage girl that always comes to the library alone and is always waiting for a guy to pick her up? Sorta bothers me. Think she's hiding it from her mom. She always overshares and acts like I'm her friend or something. Feel so awkward around her.

Posted in Half-Demon’s Thoughts
Posted 3 years ago
I want to go home already...
I had such an interesting experience at Woods Flock. Sure prefer bunking over tent camping. > o>

Posted in The Surge: April Crates!
Posted 3 years ago
What interesting concepts for this month. o:

Posted in ♘ MLP - Art Shop♞ ❣OPEN!!!❣
Posted 3 years ago
@yukithepanda: I should try deviled the next time we get duck eggs. o:
Ohh. Those must be some old pics then! XD Kitten Olaf is so cute! He's not as white as he used to be, huh? XD Abbey's still quite young though. ; w; I hope they all have plenty more years! I'm sorry about Snips. ; o; I bet Olaf misses him..
Vincent lives all the way in Texas with Hadsie, but they do visit sometimes. ; w; He and Ash weren't so bad with each other but Kate seemed to hate other cats. XD Kate never hissed or attacked humans, though she was afraid of kids, but she'd get real aggressive with other cats and some dogs. It was so strange.
The only thing we really had her do was follow our hands to go in circles around us. XD I can't really remember much else, but she sure seemed real smart!
Yeah, it's probably not a good idea unless I keep the chinchilla to one room...

Posted in ♘ MLP - Art Shop♞ ❣OPEN!!!❣
Posted 3 years ago
Ah, yes, I think my parents prefer to boil them too. We've tried frying and scrambling them and they don't taste that good. > u>;
Yeah, it's pretty amazing when cats live up to 30! Definitely depends on how well they're taken care of. Also probably depends on their genetics/heritage too.
Snips bleps are so adorable! XD I love seeing cats sleeping together too! ; w; I've never had more than one cat. I'd love to have at least three someday. They all look so adorable! Are Abbey and Olaf still very young? O:
Oh yeah, they really do have short lives. I can't even remember how old Cocoa was when she died but she might've been 5?? Our rat didn't last long unfortunately (we sorta gave her shock trauma..) but she definitely knew how to do tricks~
That was one reason I avoided getting a chinchilla. I wouldn't want them to be intimidated by a cat... I still have chinchilla housing in a closet though...

Posted in Half-Demon’s Thoughts
Posted 3 years ago
Wonder if I should order pizza.. But I had popeyes for lunch...

Posted in Half-Demon’s Thoughts
Posted 3 years ago
Not really looking forward to turkey burgers though..

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 3 years ago
@Count trashula: lol I have less than 5k. Thanks for letting me know~ I'm totally interested in an art trade someday!

Posted in Trashy Art Request
Posted 3 years ago
Hmmm. *contemplates* R'oa and Josh are sorta calling to me. But I have other art I seriously need to work on. orz

Posted in Trashy Art Shack [CLOSED]
Posted 3 years ago
*stalks* I wish I had volts.

Posted in St. Patty's Pinch - Winners Announced
Posted 3 years ago
@Jolly: lol Yeah. She sent out prizes yesterday. X3

Posted in ♘ MLP - Art Shop♞ ❣OPEN!!!❣
Posted 3 years ago
@Yukithepanda: lol I've heard that from a family friend who raises ducks. She often gives us duck eggs but we prefer chicken eggs. XD I've heard duck eggs are really good to use for baking but I don't think we've ever tried using them for that. Yeah, we moved away from Puerto Rico and couldn't bring our pets. I'm pretty sure we left a dwarf rabbit with a grandparent but I have no idea what happened to it. We think another family in our neighborhood took in our cat, Shadow.
Yeah, I kept hoping he'd get to 20 at least, but 18 is pretty good. ; w; Awww, really sucks when cats develop tumors. orz Just feels so unfair. Yeah, true! I hate when apartments don't allow pets or only allow one pet. Kate was definitely a cat that could always cheer me up. I loved how she clinged to me and I loved holding her and keeping her on my lap. She'd stay for hours. Kate was really tiny too. ; w; She was 6 pounds too. I don't know kilograms. XD
Wow. I can't imagine bringing a pet cat everywhere with me but it sounds so fun. XD I'm really interested in getting a pet rodent again but I'm not sure what yet. Hamsters are so soft and plush compared to rats but I also love how big rats are. We had Ash at the same time as our hamster Cocoa and he was always trying to find a way to get to her. XD I think he totally got fixated on messing with rodents. I remember a shrew got into our house once and he loved following it around and nibbling it. XD Had to keep him away while trying to escort it outside.
I love it!! It's so sweet and sentimental!! I really appreciate you making it for me. ; w;

Posted in St. Patty's Pinch - Winners Announced
Posted 3 years ago
@Spider: Oh! O: Thank you!

Posted in St. Patty's Pinch - Winners Announced
Posted 3 years ago
@Ryume: lol
:’D *gives clover* 🍀