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@Ruby: I’m glad you were able to too~
I’ve been pretty busy too.. > 3<

(2 steps)

I keep getting zero.

@Totalanimefan: @Ava: @dragoness129: @chronicDreamer: @blinkini: @Phantasma:

The goal has officially been lowered to 20! Good luck!

Aww, that’s so cute, Ruby! > w<

Aw, so close! XD

We were thinking of lowering the goal..

Back to 0 as well..

Wow! Good job, Total! O:

At 6 steps rn.

*writes down* That sounds awesome!! I’ve been wanting to visit the Kinokuniya near Chicago too~ I love bookstores. * u*

4 steps...

Really!? I could totally drive to Illinois! * o* I live in Indiana. I’m totally putting both of those on a list of places I have to visit!

@Lina: Oh~ That sounds cool! I bet it’s fun when you receive new merchandise. o wo What mall is that? o: You don’t have to answer that. Feels like a creepy question to ask now. XD But that sounds like a store I’d love to visit.

lol Yeah, I wonder how possible this is. You have to never get zero. XD

lol It’s only been you and I so far, Total. XD

I wonder how hard an actual sugar cube race is..

Hey, Lina~ What store do you work at? O: