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Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo] Posted 7 years ago

@Sulley: Awwww yay! Thank you <3 I'll stay and chat if you don't mind ;u;
Posted in Green Dream Pixels [Full o wo] Posted 7 years ago

@Sulley: Doll me up!
Reference(s): Avatar
Which Base: Base 1 please
Head Expression: any of them is fine ;u;
Body Pose: The same one as the example/your siggy
Extra Details: If you have any questions let me know
Offer: 3k

if you're full can I be on a ping or waitlist? ;u;
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

Ahhh yea, sorry -sweats-
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

@Roshan: sea horses are cool a f too :O sea creatures are cool
Posted in You Can Stand Under My Umbrella | [Hangout] Posted 7 years ago

@KayBit: cliche things can be interesting though.
Plus I dont see a problem in it lol
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

@Roshan: Starfish are so amazing ;u;
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

Yay! I'm glad we made it! also thanks @Roshan: for talking lots in here xD
Posted in [IC][1x1] Roshan and Khajitten Posted 7 years ago
@Roshan: Duuuuuuude, thank you for being so understanding...

Jace finished eating with his parents and walked upstairs... The plan was to just sleep over at their house and go to work the morning, but he was slightly dreading it. For some reason work always drew out and he would count the minutes until he would be able to go home. Opening the bedroom door he smiled as he saw the book floating peacefully on top of the desk. Opening up he scanned the book and froze in place... He instantly knew something was wrong. Though he didn't know Rosalynn very well, he knew she wouldn't just stop replying. Biting his lip he looked around the room trying to think.
xxxxxxGrabbing the book he threw it into his bag and swiftly made his way down stairs where he saw his mom and dad on the couch. "I need one of you to make an anonymous report that a witch was following a pack and disappeared and you are worried... tell them the location where the other book is..." They stared at him bewildered. "What?" His dad asked, "Is something wrong?" His mom asked then looked at her husband. "Look, she was tracking down a pack of werewolves... her last letter to me is stopped halfway and the r was drawn out like she had to close the book or was pulled away from it quickly." His parents stared for a while, "Maybe she just got busy? That could happen." Jace shook his head. "Gut feeling dad. Besides, they'll just send me to look at it. I'll make sure of it."
xxxxxxAfter finally convincing them that something was indeed wrong Jace left, telling his mom not to feed Salem too many fish or human food while he was away. As he got home he started packing some clothes and other essentials into his bag. He knew the higher ups would send him, seeing as everyone else was busy with various cases. Well at least this was what his department did, looking into reports that may or may not be true.
Look. I don't know if somethings happened or not... but I think I'm going to come and help...
Please don't be too angry at me... I promise I have nothing but good intentions.... In fact, after this you can go back to just teasing me through the book.... or whatever... just be okay, okay? I don't want to have to visit your sister now....

xxxxxxDeciding that he should get some sleep and see if she replied in the morning he took some melatonin and laid down for the night. Not too long after morning came along. Looking at the journal he could tell she didn't reply back to him. Jumping into the shower he used as many of the scent killing shampoo, body wash, and whatever else he had laying around. Sure he wasn't close to the girl, but he wanted to make sure she was safe for some reason.
xxxxxxOnce he got to work his boss briefed him on the situation and sent him off.... Jace couldn't help but feel that maybe he was just overreacting... but his gut told him that he should go and help. He felt like a child all over which slightly irritated him, but he would have to cool off. He needed a level head throughout this adventure. Getting home he picked up his bag and apparated to the closest town to her location. Once in a hotel he scribbled a quick note and started getting everything in order.
Rosa, I'm coming. Stay safe.
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

@Roshan: Ohhh, so did we make it in time?
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

@Roshan: Ahhh I think it looks cool ;u;
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

ohhh that may look good? idk.
I havent gotten many ei
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

@Roshan: Well, it helps a little... That's actually really cool ;A;
I like how your avi is slowly growing, soon you'll be Poseidon. We need to get you a crown.
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

Dang it I missed the 100th page -cries-
Posted in [Avi Contest] On Stranger Tides Posted 7 years ago

-crawls from the depths of hell-
Life sucks right now
I want to punch a punching bag so bad.