Khajitten's posts
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Starlight: Lol Exactly! And honestly I just joined yesterday xD So I'm in the same boat xD But I'm glad to chat with you!

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Starlight: Thank you! Honestly I love events too! Though I don't know how much I'll participate in any of the other events. There are so many entries way better than mine would be XD

Posted in Khajitten's Clowder! ⇢ Autumn Edition
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: This is true, sadly xD I sayyy you graduate then come live with your Ashy-pooh!
jk, maybe, the world may never know... the world knows. Everyone knows.
jk, maybe, the world may never know... the world knows. Everyone knows.

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Starlight: Aww I really like your avatar! ;u; My night is going pretty well. Just got time to actually play around on this site so I headed straight to the event :P

Posted in Khajitten's Clowder! ⇢ Autumn Edition
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: Weeellllll you could always run away and come to Texas *wink wonk*

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
*barges in and then lays on the floor*
I wanted to just say Hi and hopefully make friends.
*rolls around a bit*
How's everyone's night going? Or morning?
I wanted to just say Hi and hopefully make friends.
*rolls around a bit*
How's everyone's night going? Or morning?

Posted in Khajitten's Clowder! ⇢ Autumn Edition
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: Well and that game I sent you on facebook lmao XD
I'm not good and being a motivator xD
I'm not good and being a motivator xD

Posted in Khajitten's Clowder! ⇢ Autumn Edition
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: Come hang out on the autumn block with me and be part of my glaring ;D

Posted in It's ya boi!
Posted 7 years ago
@KayBit: Awww, you don't have to stay up messaging me.

Posted in Erm... Awkward Hi!
Posted 7 years ago
@Shamrock Shamus: Honestly don't know if my computer posted my post, since I don't see it... BUT:
My friend gifted them to me because my avatar was too naked apparently... Hopefully you can get your hands on them though! I've honestly just been looking around the site and trying to get set up where I can talk to people, what are you up to?
My friend gifted them to me because my avatar was too naked apparently... Hopefully you can get your hands on them though! I've honestly just been looking around the site and trying to get set up where I can talk to people, what are you up to?

Posted in Khajitten's Clowder! ⇢ Autumn Edition
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome to Khajitten's Clowder!
Alternatively known as a 'glaring', 'clutter', or group of cats!

Ahahaha, now that that's out of the way, what better way to celebrate autumn?
I know that my apartment has a tooon of porch cats! (alley cats?)
Anyway, I wanted to join in the event and what better way than to bring in my cats?
Khajitten's Clowder:
To become part of the clowder, just chat.
@Kaybit: In the house!
Kaderin Triste: In the group of cats on the porch!
dragoness129: Sneaking up on you!

Pg 5 =
Pg 10 =
pg 15 =
Talk lots get stuff :)

Come on in and chat guys!
Alternatively known as a 'glaring', 'clutter', or group of cats!

Ahahaha, now that that's out of the way, what better way to celebrate autumn?
I know that my apartment has a tooon of porch cats! (alley cats?)
Anyway, I wanted to join in the event and what better way than to bring in my cats?
Khajitten's Clowder:
To become part of the clowder, just chat.
@Kaybit: In the house!
Kaderin Triste: In the group of cats on the porch!
dragoness129: Sneaking up on you!

Pg 5 =
Pg 10 =
pg 15 =
Talk lots get stuff :)

Come on in and chat guys!

Posted in Erm... Awkward Hi!
Posted 7 years ago
@Shamrock Shamus: Buenos noches! You found me~! Ahh! Your avi is so cool looking!

Posted in Possible Stickies?
Posted 7 years ago
So I don't know if I'm the only one who would like this but would there be a possible way to put in the Exchange a sticky with past released crate items and rare crate items? I was looking around and I couldn't find a list (but I gather this is fairly new site so it would make sense idk I'm just rambling now) but I think it would be helpful in either Market or Quest thread. If there's already a thread and I missed it I'm sorry ;n; I just thought it would be easier to locate all past crate and or event items.
Really hope I'm not just missing the thread xD
Really hope I'm not just missing the thread xD

Posted in @Mentions Suggestions
Posted 7 years ago
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who got confused. I think your suggestion would help lots ;u;