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Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire Posted 5 years ago
@Jolly: Right? Like i dont wanna do that kinda damage to my hair, i already do enough damage with how often i use to dye it
Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire Posted 5 years ago
@Jolly: I dont even own a blow dryer so i was just like "wow that is a thing that can happen??"
Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire Posted 5 years ago
My ex girlfriend set off the fire alarms at her college dorm from a blow dryer

She was using a plastic brush while blow drying her hair and she caught the plastic on fire
Posted in Have the day off from work. Posted 5 years ago
Its my day off work too
I had a doctors appointment in the morning, and now I am just chilling around my house playing some stardew valley
Posted in Does Your House Make Any Noises? Posted 5 years ago
my house is extremely old.
I mean we moved in when I was 8 (2001), and after my parents moved out of state i started renting it from them.

If I remember it was built in the late 60s? maybe 70s.
And little to no renovations have been done on it.

My windows rattle with the wind, the floor boards creek, one night our deck just fell off.
So its always making weird noises

But also I live in a pretty rural area outside of a big city, so bats get in our chimney and make noises so I hear that a lot too
Posted in Your worst fears. Posted 5 years ago
I have a deep rooted fear of being burned alive
I dont even know why I have this fear, i just do.

It haunts me in night terrors almost every night, and every time I wake up burning hot and sweating
Posted in Professor Shadami's Pokestop Posted 5 years ago
omg yes a pokemon hangout!
I am team valor.

The two people I play with regularly are team instinct though
Posted in soda Posted 5 years ago
I have such a bad soda addiction.
I can go through a 12 pack in a single day
Posted in I have become obsessed with stardew valley Posted 5 years ago
@koneko: I never played it on the computer, just my switch

and omg yess im so excited for Animal Crossing. My bf never played a single animal crossing game so im gonna make him buy it and play it
Posted in I have become obsessed with stardew valley Posted 5 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Its so addicting uwu

@koneko: My boyfriend has like 200 hours of play time. Hes the one who got me obsessed
Posted in I have become obsessed with stardew valley Posted 5 years ago
Ive only had it for like a week and already have over 80 hours of game play

send help
Posted in Today I hecked up. Posted 5 years ago
Thats honestly the cutest thing ever

whenever i code i just use "REMOVE THIS LINE"
in very large text because im awful at double checking my work lol
Posted in How do you guys get ready for a date? Posted 5 years ago
ooof i spent the night with him last night and didnt have my laptop, so im just now seeing all of this.
We are going an hour after I am off work so I will have time to change thankfully. I'm not sure if i do make up, it will last the 9 hours at work and since make up takes me a long time to do, i wont have time to do it after work.

I just want the day to be special because our date is on the 100th day of his self harm recovery.
Posted in How do you guys get ready for a date? Posted 5 years ago
My boyfriend and I are going on our first official date on saturday, and i have no idea if i should do my make up or nah
We are going out to eat immediately after I leave work.

But the day is a very special day for him (not just because of the date. there is a reason he wanted to do it on saturday)
but, even though weve been together for just over a month, we havent really had a proper date yet

this will be my first date in over 2 years
please help