Kreitzen's posts
Posted in Apple Iphone or Samsung Andriod
Posted 6 years ago
I have an iPhone 5c (hand-me-down from my dad when I didn't have a proper phone of my own yet) and a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x (which I bought last year), the latter being my main phone. Rather than a Samsung, I'd recommend Xiaomi. Most of their phones have both better build design and high-end specs at a fraction of the cost (heck, I'm saving up around 17k in our currency or $326.68 for the Pocophone F1 and looking up prices, the comparable Samsung S9 is at least double that price)...
Posted in Starbound, now theres a good game.
Posted 6 years ago
Bought it for my birthday a looooooooooooong time ago and stopped around the time I installed so many mods that Ixodoom bugged out and refused to die. I've sunk only 179 hours into it thus far (last time I played was last month). Really great game though I do get distracted by the sidequests...and the mods. The mods are great and adds so much to an already expansive game!
I've heard good things about the online component but my weak internet prevents me from enjoying that part of the game
I've heard good things about the online component but my weak internet prevents me from enjoying that part of the game
Posted in What is the last game that you beat?
Posted 6 years ago
Oooh, the last one I beat was Devil May Cry 5! Took me 12 hours (with the only times I stopped being for food and bathroom breaks) and I slept like a baby afterwards. Waited for 11 years for that game to release, so half a day to finish it was an easy tradeoff.
Posted in Hellooo
Posted 6 years ago
Hi! Welcome to Voltra and I hope you enjoy your stay!
My day will be spent on me sleeping but so far it has been...okaaay...ish. Hope yours is going well though.
My day will be spent on me sleeping but so far it has been...okaaay...ish. Hope yours is going well though.
Posted in KreitzeN's Curios
Posted 6 years ago
Finished Arby's Waifu today. Simple portrait, but I'm pretty satisfied at the moment.
Posted in KreitzeN's Curios
Posted 6 years ago
@NiicoNiico: Thanks! Still working on my skill, but glad to know you think I'm talented~
@Amber Lynne: Awww, thanks! Hope I can improve a bit more given how little free time I have.
@Amber Lynne: Awww, thanks! Hope I can improve a bit more given how little free time I have.
Posted in How do you want to do this? [Critical Role and DnD hangout.]
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Thanks, though I'm still practicing a lot. Not quite all too used to drawing digitally yet xD
Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post
Posted 6 years ago
I can get washed away over and over again, but I'll keep coming back, wait not really but I'll keep coming back.
Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post
Posted 6 years ago
And I'll grease up and slide right back in~!
Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in KreitzeN's Curios
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in KreitzeN's Curios
Posted 6 years ago
Completed Stuff
Posted in KreitzeN's Curios
Posted 6 years ago
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.
Making a thread for all my art stuff! Also my first thread wooooo
I'll be categorizing my posts according to whether or not they are completed works or works-in-progress. Do not if they are categorized under "WIP", there's a chance I may not actually finish them but I wish I had the motivation to.
I'll be categorizing my posts according to whether or not they are completed works or works-in-progress. Do not if they are categorized under "WIP", there's a chance I may not actually finish them but I wish I had the motivation to.
Posted in How do you want to do this? [Critical Role and DnD hangout.]
Posted 6 years ago
Oh gods above I thought this place disappeared until now! I'd completely forgotten to check my bookmarks and I haven't been too active in a while...
In my long absence I'd been writing a bit and created a character for another campaign I got invited to. It has an interesting flair about it, with the rules and setting being a mix of 3.5e, 2e and Pathfinder. The magic system is especially fun as all classes are capable of using magic, with the number of initially known cantrips and feats varying from class to class (i.e. I as a Fighter have 1 known cantrip and 8 maximum spells or feats while our Sorcerer has 2 cantrips and 16 maximum spells or feats). Our spell trees also grow from our cantrips, and as we start at 7th level, we had a lot of developing to do.
The spell tree I managed to work out is called "Arcane Steelworks", developed from my character using his magic to maintain his father's equipment as well as through constant observation of blacksmiths and how they work with different materials and armaments. Using mana, Sideris is able to reinforce, replicate and synchronize with weapons, reinforce his own body parts or create a synchronization field around him that at higher levels produces more weapons that can fly at his enemies per turn or be used by his companions.
For anyone who goes "Ohhhh" in their head, yes, I love Fate/stay night.
I can safely say it took me two weeks or so to iron out everything (heh) and I've just finished making all the tables. So many tables...
Oh right, rambling again. Anyway, I hope you're all doing well!
"Sideris Eliades"
In my long absence I'd been writing a bit and created a character for another campaign I got invited to. It has an interesting flair about it, with the rules and setting being a mix of 3.5e, 2e and Pathfinder. The magic system is especially fun as all classes are capable of using magic, with the number of initially known cantrips and feats varying from class to class (i.e. I as a Fighter have 1 known cantrip and 8 maximum spells or feats while our Sorcerer has 2 cantrips and 16 maximum spells or feats). Our spell trees also grow from our cantrips, and as we start at 7th level, we had a lot of developing to do.
The spell tree I managed to work out is called "Arcane Steelworks", developed from my character using his magic to maintain his father's equipment as well as through constant observation of blacksmiths and how they work with different materials and armaments. Using mana, Sideris is able to reinforce, replicate and synchronize with weapons, reinforce his own body parts or create a synchronization field around him that at higher levels produces more weapons that can fly at his enemies per turn or be used by his companions.
For anyone who goes "Ohhhh" in their head, yes, I love Fate/stay night.
I can safely say it took me two weeks or so to iron out everything (heh) and I've just finished making all the tables. So many tables...
Oh right, rambling again. Anyway, I hope you're all doing well!