Lailakin's posts
Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Bioshock: Oh my gosh! You should totally come hang with us sometime~ We're working on a cute Magical Girl/Monster Girl/Gamer hangout! Did you check out the The Crystal Heart Event yet? It's open for a a few more days! All Magical Girl Themed! Couple of freebies there too!
Ah yeah, I'm so thankful for LPs and streams XD I streamed for a little bit but never got viewers so I kind of fell out of it.
Saurian... Ill have to look that up!
@Laufeia: Haha, Oddly enough I sometimes like my rice slightly under-cooked. :o Oh Sweet! thank you so much!
Ah yeah, I'm so thankful for LPs and streams XD I streamed for a little bit but never got viewers so I kind of fell out of it.
Saurian... Ill have to look that up!
@Laufeia: Haha, Oddly enough I sometimes like my rice slightly under-cooked. :o Oh Sweet! thank you so much!
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Summer Fortune Telling
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Io: -grin- Risks! How exciting :3 Thank you, Io! Laila will be brave! :D
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Cleaning out inventory [Free stuff!]
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Yuracye: Oh man, I feel it! Wow, That sounds like a gorgeous garden! Im so jealous! :3
I live in an apartment so Im trying to find easy things to do.
Our entire Schedule got flipped upside down. So things have just been a mess. Now we both work through the evenings with no days off together. I want to meal prep, learn to drive, grow some food, exercise.. but a lot of getting started on that requires a plan and a car. I don't drive either x.x;
Then theres the neighbors. They report us for minimal noise. So I cant run dishes and clothes at hours that work for me. Like, I have so much energy when I get off work at 11 and get home but I cant vacuum then. But when I first wake up at like 11 or noon Im still dead tired so I dont -want- to do any work then x.x Such a mess!
I never found my rice scoop :/ It's a minor thing really but I'm really particular bout minor things. Like I've kept the scoop the ricecooker came with for 5 yrs or so and always used it to make sure everything goes just right. So having it suddenly evaporate into thin air is frustrating and Im bad with changes like that. That said, the ratios still work. Just.. Frustrating x.x;
To be honest, Lord knows what I need. Im a hoarder when it comes to Avatar stuff. I like to hoard lots of variety and then challenge myself to make outfits out of things I normally wouldn't. But when I'm new to a site I start off gathering things in my aesthetic. Then move on to variety. Also staples. Having a good shoe in multiple colors that work with multiple situations, etc.
I live in an apartment so Im trying to find easy things to do.
Our entire Schedule got flipped upside down. So things have just been a mess. Now we both work through the evenings with no days off together. I want to meal prep, learn to drive, grow some food, exercise.. but a lot of getting started on that requires a plan and a car. I don't drive either x.x;
Then theres the neighbors. They report us for minimal noise. So I cant run dishes and clothes at hours that work for me. Like, I have so much energy when I get off work at 11 and get home but I cant vacuum then. But when I first wake up at like 11 or noon Im still dead tired so I dont -want- to do any work then x.x Such a mess!
I never found my rice scoop :/ It's a minor thing really but I'm really particular bout minor things. Like I've kept the scoop the ricecooker came with for 5 yrs or so and always used it to make sure everything goes just right. So having it suddenly evaporate into thin air is frustrating and Im bad with changes like that. That said, the ratios still work. Just.. Frustrating x.x;
To be honest, Lord knows what I need. Im a hoarder when it comes to Avatar stuff. I like to hoard lots of variety and then challenge myself to make outfits out of things I normally wouldn't. But when I'm new to a site I start off gathering things in my aesthetic. Then move on to variety. Also staples. Having a good shoe in multiple colors that work with multiple situations, etc.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Come chat with me~
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Amakai: Oooh! I spent a lot of time on Tera! I was on Celestial Hills, the RP Server. I ran two guilds, Soli and Devious. Man.. Those were some good times. The Elins are so cute T-T
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Twigg's Beach Bash (ft. art freebies!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Twigg: Hmm.. Let's see...
cjartcanada, brightbat, coralwitch, deadcutepins, candyxcorpse are all good and really cute ones!
cjartcanada, brightbat, coralwitch, deadcutepins, candyxcorpse are all good and really cute ones!
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in FREE event items! (With Previews!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Amber Lynne: Yep! Im just trucking on a long.
As Dory says, "Just Keep Swimmin!"
May I put my name down for a Fox if you get one? I can't seem to pull that one to save my life D:
As Dory says, "Just Keep Swimmin!"
May I put my name down for a Fox if you get one? I can't seem to pull that one to save my life D:
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in What’s Your Fursona?
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Espy: Haha, Well it sums up how I feel 90% of the time pretty well. I reckon during an exam even more so! XD
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Bioshock: I love those too! But Im also a Chicken so I always want someone there watching me play xD or I enjoy watching others play them. xD
I meant to play ARK last night but the Twin and I got on Second Life and Well, There went all our time :P It's almost ridiculous how much Second Life consumes us when its just us so far on there. :P
@Laufeia: Oh my gosh, Right? How do you make your rice? I prefer brown rice simmered in Chicken broth with quite a few other spices thrown in!
And yes! I still need Deer! Im a little sad there isnt a pose in it that just has both arms+shrug rather than individual arms.
I meant to play ARK last night but the Twin and I got on Second Life and Well, There went all our time :P It's almost ridiculous how much Second Life consumes us when its just us so far on there. :P
@Laufeia: Oh my gosh, Right? How do you make your rice? I prefer brown rice simmered in Chicken broth with quite a few other spices thrown in!
And yes! I still need Deer! Im a little sad there isnt a pose in it that just has both arms+shrug rather than individual arms.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Twigg's Beach Bash (ft. art freebies!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Twigg: Enamel pins are incredibly popular right now! I haven't managed to look into the process of making them but I was intrigued by the idea for a bit. Character busts, cute phrases on things like magic balls or whatnot. You could do all kinds of things with it to be honest and Instagram has a large amount of people already into that stuff. At the very least you should see what some others are doing on there! It can be inspiring! I follow a lot of pinmakers now xD
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in FREE event items! (With Previews!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Amber Lynne:
Hey I also own a bike I never use.
Ugh, It's so hard. I lost almost 40 pounds last year and I gained it ALL back. Im so mad.
Hey I also own a bike I never use.
Ugh, It's so hard. I lost almost 40 pounds last year and I gained it ALL back. Im so mad.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Twigg's Beach Bash (ft. art freebies!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Twigg: Whoa! Nice work! I love the way you draw hair! Also the scaling on the last spoiler is fantastic, and the girl with the purple bao buns is too cute. I like the curls in the one below her too. I'll have to pop you a follow on Instagram! :D
Have you ever considered doing art for enamel pins? I feel like your stuff would be so pretty on some enamel pins!
Oh my gosh, I love your cow doodle on Instagram too T-T I love cows!
Have you ever considered doing art for enamel pins? I feel like your stuff would be so pretty on some enamel pins!
Oh my gosh, I love your cow doodle on Instagram too T-T I love cows!
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Laufeia: I know those feels. I get really set on having things done a certain way. It took 3 months of the BFF living with me before I would trust them to make sweet iced tea the -right- way. They only were finally allowed when one day they just did it without asking and I came home and they were like, "I made tea." I was like... ".... Oh?...Are.. You.. Sure...?" They did alright. Could've been mixed a tad better, steeped a tad longer, and made a bit sweeter. But not bad for someone who normally doesn't sweeten his tea.
I've been so busy at work I haven't eaten the yummy dinner I made T-T Ugh. Gonna have to get to it soon but I hesitate because I know the moment I pull it out someone will have a new issue. x.x'
@Bioshock: D'aw Schucks! Thank You! And yes! We do :D What else do you play? I'd list mine but.. good god.. that's a loooooong list.
I've been so busy at work I haven't eaten the yummy dinner I made T-T Ugh. Gonna have to get to it soon but I hesitate because I know the moment I pull it out someone will have a new issue. x.x'
@Bioshock: D'aw Schucks! Thank You! And yes! We do :D What else do you play? I'd list mine but.. good god.. that's a loooooong list.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in FREE event items! (With Previews!)
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Amber Lynne: That's what I keep telling myself! 5 hours left of a shift though and I've been bugged so many times. I feel like my thoughts just won't stay in line today! D:
Yeeees~ My BFFs are planning a Trip to Vegas in Early October :D It'll be the first time I get to meet one of them T-T I'm so excited, but I also want to be in better shape. We're gonna have to do a lot of walking and right now, half a mile hurts. At my best I was walking upwards of 4 or 5 miles with minimal pain. Plus I want to lose a bit of weight!
Yeeees~ My BFFs are planning a Trip to Vegas in Early October :D It'll be the first time I get to meet one of them T-T I'm so excited, but I also want to be in better shape. We're gonna have to do a lot of walking and right now, half a mile hurts. At my best I was walking upwards of 4 or 5 miles with minimal pain. Plus I want to lose a bit of weight!
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Laufeia: I feel that! Last night I felt like I was just hopping thread after thread and then this morning going back to read responses was like... What was being said again? x.x;
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.