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Posted in the bump dump Posted 6 years ago
Posted in the bump dump Posted 6 years ago
Posted in the bump dump Posted 6 years ago
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: oh wowie . That's usually when I start passing out too lol.
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: oh wow its late for you? Its evening for me. Hope you have a nice rest ^_^
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: I’m doing pretty well, I have a headache as usual lol. A little stressed cuz we are finally gonna be moving out tomorrow. How’re you?
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: hey there lovely ^^

@NEBULA: oh noes o; I live in a nice little college town. At least I will starting in a few days. I’m on the outskirts and there’s too many dumb hicks around here lol >_>

I’m obsessed with pubg like Dx I just can’t afford a new dang phone unless I get a stupid monthly contract >_<
I’ve heard of game of sultans. What kind of game is it?
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@NEBULA: theres a drive in theatre in my city. Never been to it though. I really want to. I may do that soon.

I like to play mobile games :3 I pretty much just play Sword Art IF and Identity V. I really loved PUBG mobile but i dont have a phone good enough to play it without lagging or overheating :/ really wish i could play again.
What do you play?
Posted in ~Lau's Little Shoppe~ [T/S/B] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in I can hear the thunder Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: it was storming last night for us. It was relaxing.
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@NEBULA: lady and the tramp huh >_> that’s...interesting. It does seem like I’m seeing all the movies I’ve already seen, but not in cartoon form xD I don’t even visit the theatres anymore. They are hella expensive now and we just buy them online lol. The last movie I saw was fifty shades of grey in theatre <____< was expecting people making out, instead there was just this ONE lady laughing at EVERYTHING extremely loud. The whole movie. Like ok this isn’t even a comedy.

Yeah that’s one bad thing about subs! Gotta really watch it closely. I’m trying to learn Japanese so I like to watch them. It’s such a cool language. The way they talk is so interesting to me. it sounds so fun. And I just really like to read I guess lol. I’m always on the phone too. Not usually when I’m watching stuff though xD

@Kiri: lol I know that feel. Like YES finally a day of rest! Then when you’re all you supposed to do with your day? We usually go to a park and walk around if it’s nice. But it’s been so dang hot lately we just stay in and play Nintendo. Which usually makes me slam things because old games are pretty much made to induce rage.
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@NEBULA: I want to watch The Lion King just because it has Eric Andre. Dont know how I'll like it. I really enjoy watching cartoons though! Why we gotta make em real!

AH California! Yeah everything is expensive there. xD I have some family out there. They're one of those richie rich people lmao. They have a house and a huge lakehouse, a boat...they go on vacations constantly. Like throw some money at ya girl I'm struggling to survive over here. Lmao

@Kiri: oh well that's not good lol. Ik doing okay other than being exhausted. I just need a day to REST and I haven't had that in a couple weeks. Maybe tomorrow will be better for you. And me. Lol
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@NEBULA: it is on hulu. And I am a sub person myself so it's all good. I rarely watch dubs. I really like japanese.

I just found out about Dark Crystal recently googling random stuff about creatures. Lol. and it looks pretty interesting.

Wow. That's a lot of mulah! You must live in a big city? Moving is hard and kinda expensive lol. All these deposits and background checks and fees >_<
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@NEBULA: ooh I jut remembered. The Promised Neverland just came out recently and it's one of the best ones I've seen as of late. I reccomend. And Attack on Titan. Of course. x3 Hell Girl looks right to my alley. I'll need to check that one out. Is it on crunchyroll? :3 I'm always on the go now so I read a lot of webtoons. Wish I had money to buy some manga! >_< I like collecting things. Lol. I am the same way with all my books and such. It really bothers me if they get damaged at all.

My Monday is goin alright. Had to get up super early and when I get home I gotta make dinner, and pack. Moving to a new apartment. Yay....But also booooo. >_>