Lilmisskushy's posts
Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: me too.. I bought more rigs yesterday but no luck.. I take it its random and the choose for you? Or am I opening them wrong lol

Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: thank you so much .. I will put it in my title now ^.^

Posted in Bird bird bird
Posted 5 years ago
@shark: I thought you were going to be singing birds the word with your title xD
I love birds so many different colours and variety so pretty..
We don't get much colourful birds here our weather probably isn't warm enough for them xD
I love birds so many different colours and variety so pretty..
We don't get much colourful birds here our weather probably isn't warm enough for them xD

Posted in The Treehouse
Posted 5 years ago
@synthetic nature: I think it's because I fell off things a few times and ended up with lumps and bumps and then my dad always told us off for climbing so never got to explore heights very much lol
Aww bless you.. that's so nice of you wanting to adopt to give a child who hasn't had a good start in life a home and to care for it and love it like your own.. haha just pick one that has a good history of behaving xD
Aww bless you.. that's so nice of you wanting to adopt to give a child who hasn't had a good start in life a home and to care for it and love it like your own.. haha just pick one that has a good history of behaving xD

Posted in The Treehouse
Posted 5 years ago
@synthetic nature: your very brave I'm scared of heights so not a big climber XD I could stand outside and keep watch for you haha
This is very true she's very funny XD
Her favourite word at the minute is shut up XD
You will have the pleasures of going through this too and it's the best thing ever .. being a mum is amazing and so rewarding
This is very true she's very funny XD
Her favourite word at the minute is shut up XD
You will have the pleasures of going through this too and it's the best thing ever .. being a mum is amazing and so rewarding

Posted in Bear's Shopping List
Posted 5 years ago
@bearnas tyr: your art looks awesome can't wait to see more ^.^
That's good though cus you must have a nice verity of art..
Yes menewsha is very similar to this one.. unfortunately the people that deal with creating items have took some time away and for some reason we can't use multi items.. bit of a shame really I have so much stuff but can't use it
I love this site just as much though.. everyone's lovely
That's good though cus you must have a nice verity of art..
Yes menewsha is very similar to this one.. unfortunately the people that deal with creating items have took some time away and for some reason we can't use multi items.. bit of a shame really I have so much stuff but can't use it
I love this site just as much though.. everyone's lovely

Posted in The Treehouse
Posted 5 years ago
@synthetic nature: yes she will be 2 in September she's very smart and sassy xD that's why I wouldn't like to look for abandon buildings my come across a few ghosties xD oOoh you trespass haha as long as your careful and stay safe

Posted in Hiya guys!
Posted 5 years ago
@amortentia: your very welcome ^.^ everyone's so friendly I like wee community games like this everyone gets along and there's no drama and trolling xD

Posted in Bear's Shopping List
Posted 5 years ago
@bearnas tyr: welcome to menewsha.. I'm new too so haven't got much either but I just came to say hello ^.^ you do art as well ^.^ can't wait to see what kind of art you do

Posted in Hiya guys!
Posted 5 years ago
@amortentia: welcome to menewsha ^.^ I've been here about 2 weeks or so.. joined first day and really loved the site.. it's a nice weekend community everyone's so nice and helpful and very welcoming:) hope enjoy the site as much as I do and stick around ^.^

Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: is it called year of the Tiger? It's got black big hair with pink and purple and the outfit is pink and purple stripe socks

Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: Hello total Hmm I think I read it wrong then xD it's the one with the colourful outfit and stripey socks and tail .. I need to go check to see if I can see it XD and find out its actual name

Posted in h-hello
Posted 5 years ago
@addy: it really is .. and everyone's so lovely ^.^

Posted in The Treehouse
Posted 5 years ago
@synthetic nature: yeah I miss them too.. but now that I have my own daughter I will be able to go through all that fun stuff again xD and be big kid again lol no exploring abandoned buildings for me .. too creepy XD u looking for ghosts? :O