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Haha things are slowing down now.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
I now have 5 full Halloween sets I can sell you. :)
By the way, if I forgot to reply to anyone during the craziness earlier, I am sorry. :P
@Alia Starchild:
True though! You are encouraging me rather than teasing me. But I was comparing it, because it's often of the same manner.
You are very welcome. :)
@Alia Starchild:
That's probably for the best. And honestly, I have another friend who CONSTANTLY teases me about Legolas. So it's nothing new.
Congrats! :)
But even the battle over guys started over what?
@Alia Starchild:
Haha! I suppose it can't be helped then. xD
The fact that this whole thing started over SALT. :vanora_xd:
@Alia Starchild:
Thanks...I....I think....
Yep. Just a snack to hold me off.
@Alia Starchild:
Thanks. But I think I'm good. I can do it on my own.
I know. But Dinner is in like three hours. So this will probably be the last thing I eat till then.