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Yas! And hm...who should we ship with? ? Or someone else?
Thank you so much! I'm getting closer to what I need for the bribe!
@Sass Pegasus:
Ooh nice! I hope you find one you like.
Ooh! I like the sounds of Victora.
Happy to help! And since almost anything can be found online nowadays, it's worth a shot.
@sass pegasus:

Not too bad. How about yourself?
@Sass Pegasus:
Yas! I have over 20k Volts now!
Nothing at the moment, really. Drinking Mountain Dew. How about you?
Yas! We need to come up with ship names too!

Valentina/Victor: Victina? Valor?

Glad I'm not the only one then!
Of course!
Not that I'm condoning breaking into a business. Haha. Because I'm not.
Hm! They do sound quite interesting! Must be some sort of special sauce. And well...maybe there's instructions online?