Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Angelus: lemme seeeee if I can explain it o3o
dtz xmtzqi gj qttpnsl
tzy ktw ymj
hfywunqqfw gziid

D - 5 = Y, T - 5 = O, Z - 5 =U, etc
You should be looking
out for the
caterpillar buddy
@Angelus: lemme seeeee if I can explain it o3o
dtz xmtzqi gj qttpnsl
tzy ktw ymj
hfywunqqfw gziid

D - 5 = Y, T - 5 = O, Z - 5 =U, etc
You should be looking
out for the
caterpillar buddy

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Angelus: with a lot of headache and counting letters -3-
@Angelus: with a lot of headache and counting letters -3-

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
You should be looking
out for the
caterpillar buddy
You should be looking
out for the
caterpillar buddy

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
gimme a seeeeec....
gimme a seeeeec....

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
If we use "Caterpillar" as our keyword, then they're shifted..6 over? C - D - E - F - G - H?
If we use "Caterpillar" as our keyword, then they're shifted..6 over? C - D - E - F - G - H?

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
We need Dipper oAo
We need Dipper oAo

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Theory: you might also be able to get it replaced for free if it's in warranty? :U my gma also had trouble charging hers but her cord had just died though, so. that's def a possibility lol
@Theory: you might also be able to get it replaced for free if it's in warranty? :U my gma also had trouble charging hers but her cord had just died though, so. that's def a possibility lol

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
oh nope I am O U T I'll see y'all next clue XD
oh nope I am O U T I'll see y'all next clue XD

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Angelus: the word search was first
THE (first) CLUE...

THE (Second) CLUE...

THE (third) CLUE...

@Angelus: the word search was first
THE (first) CLUE...

THE (Second) CLUE...

THE (third) CLUE...

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Angelus: oh you're in Cali too?!
@Angelus: oh you're in Cali too?!

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Theory: you should check out LessThanThree press! the stories range from free to like $10, and the free and under $5 ones are normally less than 1000 words; super good for short attention spans :>
@Theory: you should check out LessThanThree press! the stories range from free to like $10, and the free and under $5 ones are normally less than 1000 words; super good for short attention spans :>

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Theory: lol yeaaaah; I mostly read fanfiction these days. The few things I read that aren't fanfics are queer stories on my kindle or YA books I've been a fan of since I was like 10 and other various books I've had for ages.
it's def Catch The Rabbit
@Theory: lol yeaaaah; I mostly read fanfiction these days. The few things I read that aren't fanfics are queer stories on my kindle or YA books I've been a fan of since I was like 10 and other various books I've had for ages.
it's def Catch The Rabbit

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Theory: that's super cool!!! I just devour every book or story that's fantasy, especially if it involves dragons. And collect rocks...and brother used to have every single bionicle or lego set that had to be put together and he'd finish them perfectly and then no one was allowed to touch them lol I think we still have a couple put together in his game room...he's planning on going to college for some type of engineering
@Theory: that's super cool!!! I just devour every book or story that's fantasy, especially if it involves dragons. And collect rocks...and brother used to have every single bionicle or lego set that had to be put together and he'd finish them perfectly and then no one was allowed to touch them lol I think we still have a couple put together in his game room...he's planning on going to college for some type of engineering

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet