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Posted in A little lizard just wanting to chat! Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: dont worry bout it! ive just been drawing :V and yeah i'm planning on transferring from my current college to my local college of art an design (SCAD) because i wanna major in sequential arts/comics instead of just Visual art.
Also yeah I was able to get a refill yesterday! it just took so long because of the holidays and all c:

@Totalanimefan: Hi welcome! how are you doing?
@Priestess of Pie: Thank you so much!!

@Amber Lynne: I ended up starting this a bit early and finishing sooner than i expected so here ya go!
@Amber Lynne: Can do! just send the trade an Ill start on it right away
Posted in A little lizard just wanting to chat! Posted 6 years ago
@Val: I didn't get to see much of the site when i first joined because i essentially just made an introduction post and completely forgot about it! I recently(as of yesterday lol) got back on due to another avi site being resurrected which reminded me of this one.
How is Gaia by the way? I've always thought about joining but i was too intimidated at the time.
@Amber Lynne: Well it'll be open as long as I'm Active so feel free! and yeah I've seen the beanie doll I'd be interested!
Posted in A little lizard just wanting to chat! Posted 6 years ago
@Val: Hey!! Technically I'm quite new here as well even though I made my account a year ago lol
Hows your first day been?
Posted in 【♦Lizard's Gallery | [OPEN!]♦】 Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: I actually recently opened up a shop! i just have put a link in this thread yet cause i'm forgetful :'V It's here if you're interested!
Posted in 【♦Lizard's Gallery | [OPEN!]♦】 Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: I find small communities to be nice for art! Its like a neighborhood that knows everyone but I wouldn't mind it getting bigger! For now I'm happy the way it is though. :V
Posted in 【♦Lizard's Gallery | [OPEN!]♦】 Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Thank you! I'm excited to see such a nice art community on here I saw some of your art while i was browsing the minishops and I adore your shading!
Posted in 【♦Lizard's Gallery | [OPEN!]♦】 Posted 6 years ago
Also i recently doodled up a thing for my sapherna sig so i thought i would post it here as well!

Posted in 【♦Lizard's Gallery | [OPEN!]♦】 Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: @strawberry: Thank yall so much!!

Posted in A little lizard just wanting to chat! Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: Yeah hopefully! im just uploading my portfolio right now so its not too bad.
and oh no i hope you feel better soon!! I've been lucky to not get sick this season (knock on wood!) but i did run out of my anti-anxiety meds which made me a bit ill over the holdays rip =v=
@strawberry: I love TAZ, but also I just fuckin love elf ears all my characters have them just so I can draw them lol! Also oh no i dont wanna kill him ;A;
Posted in A little lizard just wanting to chat! Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: I guess it'll be somewhat relaxing aside from the fact college stuff stresses me out OOF, but how are you doin? Do you have any plans for today?

@Lizard Breath: howdy! What's up?

@Millet: Thank you so much! Funny enough you mention comics cause that's like my dream career lol. I used to collect them but monthly comics add up and I'm a bit broke ;v; hopefully I can continue doing that once I have a job that gives me more of a Stable income cause working on commission for a face painting company ain't cutting it lmao