Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in New Crate Soon!
Posted 7 years ago
I am always down with rainbows :vanora_sun:

Posted in (s) dups I got from RIGs and other random stuff
Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: sent you a trade request tysm!

Posted in (s) dups I got from RIGs and other random stuff
Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: no worried 2k okay?

Posted in (s) dups I got from RIGs and other random stuff
Posted 7 years ago
@queen prisma: i can trade you the dolly hair for a knights bangs if you're still looking for it :3

Posted in [S]RIGs [T]Crates, Serene Royalty, Alicorn, +more
Posted 7 years ago
@raxton: yes you may ^3^

Posted in The Babble Bubble
Posted 7 years ago
Especially cos it makes me skin extra oily

Posted in Capybara
Posted 7 years ago
SO CUTE AND CHUBBY! :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Posted in Alpaca Cafe
Posted 7 years ago
@tuijp: I went when I was younger, I wanna say a decade+ ago but it was beautiful. Would love to revisit as an adult since I feel like there is a lot I would want to buy XD

Posted in Avatar Contest! [ NEXT DATE TBD ]
Posted 7 years ago
Can't wait to see the next color combos! Sorr these ones aren't things I own many items in >.<

Posted in Hii
Posted 7 years ago
@glume: <3
XDDDD i die
@Dread Pirate: *gasps* It was you all along?!
Should have posted sooner, Emberbro.
Should have posted sooner, Emberbro.
@Mad Hatter: Thank you! I try hard at my existential BS.
XDDDD i die

Posted in The Babble Bubble
Posted 7 years ago
Tell me about it's been so humid here and we are supposed to be a dry heat kind of place, feel like I am back in florida

Posted in Plasma Orbs Suggestion
Posted 7 years ago
yess I would love to equip he orb but that + sign ruins it, I would't even be mad if the drops for the common orbs weren't changed if I could happily equip the other orbs XD
I love so much this idea of a gold sink, but I think that it would be much more effective if the rarity scale for it was adjusted. Maybe even make certain hair styles rarer than the other. Because Raxton is right, I bought 2 common orbs from the shop before quickly realizing I could get the items cheaper on the exchange. And the less rare ones I would get an abundance of from opening the other orbs. I totally get wanted to give users who can't donate a chance at preium items, but users who can't donate also have quite easy access to those items in the exchange for volts yanno?
yess I would love to equip he orb but that + sign ruins it, I would't even be mad if the drops for the common orbs weren't changed if I could happily equip the other orbs XD
I love so much this idea of a gold sink, but I think that it would be much more effective if the rarity scale for it was adjusted. Maybe even make certain hair styles rarer than the other. Because Raxton is right, I bought 2 common orbs from the shop before quickly realizing I could get the items cheaper on the exchange. And the less rare ones I would get an abundance of from opening the other orbs. I totally get wanted to give users who can't donate a chance at preium items, but users who can't donate also have quite easy access to those items in the exchange for volts yanno?

Posted in CLOSED - lock please
Posted 7 years ago
@yuracye: i have a squid ink if you still need it and want to trade two toned dolly hair for it :3

Posted in Summer '18 Plasma Orbs Feedback Thread
Posted 7 years ago
I actually really like how it is set up. I do get that it is indeed expensive, but honestly the only real change I would make is to have some items be rarer than other in the common orb. I think that the items shared between the orbs should be rarer in the volt orb, because I already have as ton off freakiing Ellies and squid inks, corvid cotures and snuggle bunnies, from opening alicorn and ryu orbs, I don't want them from the common one too. It's just flooding the market. But I LOOOOVE that you guys did hair recolors. If the common orbs only had uinique recolors of commons I would be really happy about that,
like I said would be nice to have drops adjusted
x6 Dual Toned Hairs
Snuggle Bunny
tad generic but it's a common item so I shouldn't expect more. We just have SO MANY rabbit ears on this site something different would have been nice. Like pugs. Or space. Or aliens. Oooh or fairies. Not only do we already have rabbits ears in vyc's shop, but we just came off an event that gave us 2 more rabbit ears...
Squid Ink
I think this item is really cute and I adore the sweater. The hat looks like of like patrick form spongebob though who is not a squid and that kind of throws me off. Maybe it's a personal thing XD
Corvid Couture
I really like this item, was not expecting a flapper kind of thing, very original
I'm sorry I just don't care for this item. But I think it is entirely personal tastes and not because the quality of the item
Such a well made beautiful and cute item, very much of rare quality <3
Skunk Punk
I dig iiiit
again more bunny ears. Also the eyes are positioned really high on the face. All three stars in this go to the body mods!! They are amazing, both of them! And I used to not like the legs mods on here, so much imporvement in such a short time is very impressive.
I LOVE IT! Honestly the only reason a star is empty is only cos the need for more color options <333
Sky Master
I love the eyes but I wish there was a pose option to have 2 eyes of the same color at once. To wear the eyes and another pose would require 2 of a rare item
D.J. FURocious
This item is so rad and I like it SO MUCH
like I said would be nice to have drops adjusted
x6 Dual Toned Hairs
Snuggle Bunny
tad generic but it's a common item so I shouldn't expect more. We just have SO MANY rabbit ears on this site something different would have been nice. Like pugs. Or space. Or aliens. Oooh or fairies. Not only do we already have rabbits ears in vyc's shop, but we just came off an event that gave us 2 more rabbit ears...
Squid Ink
I think this item is really cute and I adore the sweater. The hat looks like of like patrick form spongebob though who is not a squid and that kind of throws me off. Maybe it's a personal thing XD
Corvid Couture
I really like this item, was not expecting a flapper kind of thing, very original
I'm sorry I just don't care for this item. But I think it is entirely personal tastes and not because the quality of the item
Such a well made beautiful and cute item, very much of rare quality <3
Skunk Punk
I dig iiiit
again more bunny ears. Also the eyes are positioned really high on the face. All three stars in this go to the body mods!! They are amazing, both of them! And I used to not like the legs mods on here, so much imporvement in such a short time is very impressive.
I LOVE IT! Honestly the only reason a star is empty is only cos the need for more color options <333
Sky Master
I love the eyes but I wish there was a pose option to have 2 eyes of the same color at once. To wear the eyes and another pose would require 2 of a rare item
D.J. FURocious
This item is so rad and I like it SO MUCH