Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in Voltra Community Discussion [ 23 Feb 2018 ]
Posted 7 years ago
@totalanimefan: maybe since it was technically the crate for nov and then available for feb too they're changing the rare? Since it was still in the shop for 2 months(-ish)
Also I am realy excited for the next crate items the rare looks very moon kingdom-esque 8D
Also I am realy excited for the next crate items the rare looks very moon kingdom-esque 8D

Posted in Blerrrrrrg
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: you need to get on my caffine addiction level XD But not my tolerance level... ;;;>.>

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: that's how I felt! Thank god every account got the heart bubble or I would have tootally missed it. So thankful the event items will be in til march, just managed to complete my personal set today, making quick work for some spares

Posted in Warning
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: Hopefully! Actually scratch that I can make it a definitely! Just message me on snap if I am not because you know... marijuana, scatterbrainedness. I do close at work fri and sat so I won't be home til 11ish PST

Posted in I feel
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: on obvious demonstration of psychic powers??

Posted in I feel
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: bruh you never told me you were psychic! O:

Posted in bills bills bills
Posted 7 years ago
SAAAAME I try to set up automatic bill pay so I don't have to remember but then I forget when charges are going through and that can get me in trouble ;;>.>
Also one time my car insurance billed my account, and even though my account had been charged there was a delay for the pending charge to go away so it was like my account was charged twice for a little bit(which apparently is a thing that happens sometimes with auto bill pay) and I ended up getting over draft fees cos my account had $300 less than it did. Thankfully my bank got rid of the fees but now I don't trust auto pay OR my memory. ;___;
Also one time my car insurance billed my account, and even though my account had been charged there was a delay for the pending charge to go away so it was like my account was charged twice for a little bit(which apparently is a thing that happens sometimes with auto bill pay) and I ended up getting over draft fees cos my account had $300 less than it did. Thankfully my bank got rid of the fees but now I don't trust auto pay OR my memory. ;___;

Posted in Warning
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: So sad I missed this ;___;

Posted in I haven't been online at all. :(
Posted 7 years ago
Same honestly! I work so much and recently went out of town for a family wedding I was so looking forward to vacation and having time for voltra and my family kept me so busy and stressed that I ended up with time for nothing ;____;

Posted in Blerrrrrrg
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: psssh sleep is for the weak you're not dying! ;p <3

Posted in Voltra Community Discussion [ 23 Feb 2018 ]
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you for posting this! I was out of town for a family wedding and missed so much :vanora_cry:

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: when I thought I was gonna have a ton of time for voltra when I was on vacation but my family kept me busy every single moment :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry:

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
@saeyra:oh. mai. gawd. please do ;_____;
I never even thought of that... definitely doing that if we ever do manage some snow XD
I would also love to have a snowball fight with friends, it's been a few years since I have
I never even thought of that... definitely doing that if we ever do manage some snow XD
I would also love to have a snowball fight with friends, it's been a few years since I have

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: thanks it will be fun but I don't like not making money for a whole week during the shortest month of the year >.<
@saeyra: oh wow! yeah I was hoping to build a snowman with my man but there just hasn't been enough snow ;___;
@saeyra: oh wow! yeah I was hoping to build a snowman with my man but there just hasn't been enough snow ;___;