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Posted in Complete Newbie Here Posted 1 year ago
Welcome to the family!
Posted in Lightning Surge: Crate & Legacy Sneak Peak! Posted 1 year ago
Had to grab me some new items! I really have to stop going on hiatus for so long..I have too many items to catch up on that now I'm donating mass cash to catch up xD good for the site, but not my wallet haha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 1 year ago
@Vozzy: this is a really old one, I have it saved under your name that's how I know its yours lol I don't mind doing another one though, but let me know or send me an image of the avatar you want done, I'm off this weekend so I'll do it then!

Posted in [B] Items Posted 1 year ago
@Bean: okay, so I purchased something before seeing this but I think I can make this work still if you agree!
So I have 94k, leaving me 27k short but if I replace it with 1350 additional Ohms (27k worth) would that be okay? So you would get 94k in Volts and 7150 Ohms for everything listed :)

Please double check my math! It's 11pm for me here xD

Posted in [B] Items Posted 1 year ago
Updated my buying list! It's extensive so I appologise!
Posted in 880K VOLTS | 8050 OHMS || NAME. YOUR. PRICE. Posted 1 year ago
@Amber Lynne: aww Are you sure? You are so sweet, Thank you so very much 😊
Posted in 880K VOLTS | 8050 OHMS || NAME. YOUR. PRICE. Posted 1 year ago
@Amber Lynne: you are most welcome! I just wanted to make sure, we agreed on 20k, but I see there was more was there a mistake? If so I can fix it by adding Volts to my end! :)
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 1 year ago
Thank you :) I really should invest in some technology so I can do them a little faster and the lines a little cleaner lol but for now, they work lol
Posted in [B] Items Posted 1 year ago
@Trixie Kay: that would be perfect! Thank you! 😊
Posted in 880K VOLTS | 8050 OHMS || NAME. YOUR. PRICE. Posted 1 year ago
@Amber Lynne: I dont know what to charge for the art, I haven't offered art here in some time..Hmm, shall we say 20k? ^-^
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 1 year ago
Posted in Lightning Surge: Crate & Legacy Sneak Peak! Posted 1 year ago
Cant wait to see the new items! :)
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 1 year ago
@Justice: Oh that sounds awesome! I hope you feel up to sharing it when you're finished! ^-^

@Vozzy: =D I have some time off coming up, let me see what I can do for a good friend of mine :p I still have your old one saved too eh? xD haha
Posted in Newbie here ! :3 Posted 1 year ago
Welcome to the family! As for advice, be friendly, be you and ask questions whenever you need too! Every face online is pretty much friendly and if you aren't sure who to ask, send me a ping or message!