Mayor Volkan's posts
Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 6 years ago
BBCode Sizing Derps
- Fixed an issue with the BBCode size tag not working properly when used more than once in a row.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 6 years ago
Topic Subject Limit Increases 2: Electric Boogaloo
- Fixed issue with topic subjects still applying the old 50 char limit when editing a thread.
- Now will correctly allow 100 characters.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Volt Calculation Issues
- Fixed an issue with certain BBCodes not using the content inside when calculating volts for making/editing posts.
- Example: Spoilers would not count text between when calculating volt total
- [b], [i], [u], [s] also suffered from this bug as well.
- Example: Spoilers would not count text between when calculating volt total

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Missing Characters
- Fixed issue with some characters such as "+" not appearing in posts.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Party Pooper
The anniversary event has ended now, and we hope you enjoyed the goodies!
Joyful Jamboree kept the event items stocked for an extra two hours, we could say it was forgotten - or - we could be positive and say that was totally planned to make up for the cupcakes disappearing early.
Either way - thank you everyone for celebrating with us, and lets hope for many more years to come!
The anniversary event has ended now, and we hope you enjoyed the goodies!
Joyful Jamboree kept the event items stocked for an extra two hours, we could say it was forgotten - or - we could be positive and say that was totally planned to make up for the cupcakes disappearing early.
Either way - thank you everyone for celebrating with us, and lets hope for many more years to come!

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Who stole all the cupcakes?!
- Fixed issue with cupcakes disappearing early, you still have 4 and a half hours from this post to snag them if you haven't already!
- Please note the event items in joyful jamboree will also leave at that time, so stock up now if you haven't!

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Topic Subject Limit Increase
- Topic titles / subjects have had their limit upped to 100 characters.
- Previously used to be 50 characters.
- Will look into keeping the previous form data if an error strikes so you don't have to backspace / re-type everything over.
- Previously used to be 50 characters.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Bug Fixes - 09/09/2018
- Forums in the main listing no longer vanish if the recent poster is someone whom you have blocked.
- A big thank you to Rallaa for bringing this to my attention and helping narrow down the problem.
- View Posts page will now correctly link to the listed post instead of the first page.
- Verifying your e-mail manually by entering the code now functions correctly.
- Profile comments can now once again be deleted.
- Fixed various issues with the < and > characters eating posts and breaking hearts. <3

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Mail Changes
- Pressing enter will no longer send the message, this includes while holding down shift.
- Many users experienced this as a frustrating issue, because they kept sending their messages prematurely.
- This is how it works in many sites and programs such as Discord
- Many users experienced this as a frustrating issue, because they kept sending their messages prematurely.
- You will now have to manually click the send button or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S to send the mail
- If the functionality seems the same for you - please CTRL+F5 or clear your phones browser cache.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
E-mail Verification and Trading Changes
- You can now verify your email Here!
- An email will be sent to you with a link & code to verify it.
- The email may end up in your Spam folder, so be sure to check.
- An email will be sent to you with a link & code to verify it.
- Trading now requires e-mail verification to prevent mule abuse.
- For existing users, there are a few other flags that allow you to trade for now without verifying, but these will eventually be removed, so please verify your email as soon as possible, thank you!
- For existing users, there are a few other flags that allow you to trade for now without verifying, but these will eventually be removed, so please verify your email as soon as possible, thank you!

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Forums & BBCodes
- Forum main page has been optimized.
- Now caches every 15 minutes.
- Reduced Queries from 60+ to 3 for some data pulled
- Still not as fast as we'd like, will look into more optimization later down the road!
- Now caches every 15 minutes.
- Forum posts vanishing have now safely returned to their positions.
- BBCode Updates & Fixes Include
- [ list ] and [ * ] (as you may see) with sub list support.
- [ code ] tags now supported.
- When clicked on, the code box will highlight all content so you can copy it easily!
- [ hr ] tags have been fixed!
- When used will create a horizontal rule to separate content
- [ youtube ] tags have been fixed!
- Most Youtube URLs are Supported
- The video code alone between the tags is also supported.
- Most Youtube URLs are Supported
- [ list ] and [ * ] (as you may see) with sub list support.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Inventory Update
- Inventory will now show what main items are equipped.
- Used to only show equipped poses and not highlight the main item.
- Pose popups and interaction popups are now more responsive.
- Fixed issue with inventory scroll bars pushing items around the inventory.
- Fixed issue with the popovers being pushed off screen and being hidden.
- Fixed issue with inventory scroll bars pushing items around the inventory.

Posted in City Hall - Updates & Notices || Updated 10/09/23
Posted 7 years ago
Trade Update & Streamlining
- Initiating a trade now takes you into it straight away
- You do not need to wait on the other user to accept/reject your trade request
- You can add items and currency to the trade straight after requesting.
- You do not need to wait on the other user to accept/reject your trade request
- Trades now notify the user on updates for all steps
- Trade start, update and closure.
- No more forgetting to complete that trade that's gathering dust!
- Trade start, update and closure.
- Once both users have confirmed it will go onto the next step, cutting overall steps in total.
- When viewing completed trades from this update onward it will show the completion time of the trade and not creation time.
- Past trades prior to this update will fall back to showing the creation date, as we did not store completion time before now.