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Maybe clicking too much does that? Instead of giving a message 'you posted something similar moments ago' like some sites do

He just
REALLY wants to know how are you
Yeah, are you lijke... octuple posting xDD

xD night for real dragoness!

We should make puns with her name!
Nothing r-rated xDD
unless... dirty toilets are too much.


Or dreams in which I'm jumping but can't quite control it

Just 5 more minutes, mooom! xD
I've been taking them for some years, I can't remember my dreams before... well, I guess I could fly in some of them xD

ahaha dragoness xD
I understand that feeling
what do you have planned, Boss Rimi?
yeah, can't start to pull that thread D:
Any medicine used to treat psychiatric illnesses like depression, anxiety, bipolarity etc

Hopefully!! And we'll have tons of items!