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@Unicorn: I love tomatoes. T_T It pains me to limit the consumption of them. I hope you get a lot of sleep! :D Rest up, woohoo!

@ishoji: <.< Bothhhh? I felt rested tho, even though it was just 4-5hr. :D

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@Unicorn: Oh no heart burn! D: Are you gonna go see a doctor? Sounds like acid reflux, it freaked the bejesus out of me the first time I got nauseating symptoms.. and heart palpitations. @w@;;

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@ishoji: NU Y WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT? >.> .. I slept.. ...a little.. <.<...

Unicorn noh, I always miss you D: ..BUT WHY ARE YOU SICK NOW? Everyone who sticks around gets sick, you, ishoji...

*stares at ghost*

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@ghost: dude, you know what I do? I overthink it from the beginning and get no work done... it's like, I should probably just START and CONTINUE it then I'm sure I woulda finished a hundred projects by now LOL

....there wasn't anything "good" so, I took out some eggplants and carrots (LOL NONE ARE GREEN).. then asked someone to cut it for me :'D /scumbag

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@ghost: Yeah I have the vague plotline in my head but I don't think I developed it at all.. o__o; I have an insane amount of past projects /pets her forgotten children. D:

Y U GOTTA SPECIFY GOOD? D: *looks for greens ;w; *

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@ghost: COUGH. I SWEAR I HAVE HAD PROGRESS. PROMISE. :(( Some, but I apparently I had this cool manga-oneshot I really wanted to draw about a girl running from ~something~ and finding herself awake in a secluded mansion. SPOOOOKY.

LOL, it's better than doing nothing, right? :DD
Dude I am hungry...

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@ghost: Omg, I always get distracted when fixing files (and room actually), you find al these old things and you end up looking over them, reading instead of fixing =w= ..

GOOD! ...Also, at least you're being productive.... just elsewhere kuku. :D

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@ghost: Yeah, I just have so many damn files... LOL I don't know whatthe the heck I was thinking keeping half of these. Wtf.

How has your day been ? DID .. did you sleep, ghost? DID YOU SLEEP ENUFF?!

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@ghost: Heeyy! I'm currently just cleaning my files from my comp. :D ...The random pictures and text documents are.. haha.. ..scattered. Everywhere. :(

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*squishes ALL the people in the thread*

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Helllooo beautiful woorld! :DD How is everyone today?!

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@Lunakiri: Omg luna! you spoil me. DD: WAHT I DO TO DESERVE?! I haven't worked on yours atm! I have ideas brewing in my head though! Also planning to do it tomorrow.

I-I DON'T KNOW. I wanna see but I like surprises, my heart is tooorn!

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@Saeyra: But the car is. :D

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@ghost: OMG. Bo Peep Show. I love that. That's wonderful. I want to see you draw more women nao. Ku.


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