Misery's posts
Posted in looking for group/1x1 partners
Posted 5 years ago
@ephenay: @Amber Lynne:
hey! sorry about getting back to you both a few days later, the holidays are kind of a busy time. i think my favorite genres are supernatural, sci-fi, horror, and adventure. i've been reading about the history of horror and supernatural stuff in my spare time lately, so i'm especially interested in those right about now.
hey! sorry about getting back to you both a few days later, the holidays are kind of a busy time. i think my favorite genres are supernatural, sci-fi, horror, and adventure. i've been reading about the history of horror and supernatural stuff in my spare time lately, so i'm especially interested in those right about now.

Posted in looking for group/1x1 partners
Posted 5 years ago
hello! i haven't roleplayed in a little bit and i'm looking to get back into it. ^_^ i'm most used to roleplaying in a group setting, but i can also do 1x1 if you're interested in it. usually i create characters for the purpose of RP, but i'm open to using my preexisting characters.
genres i'm interested in:
- action
- adventure
- mystery
- horror
- slice of life
- sci-fi
- supernatural
- canonical universes
RP comfort meme
genres i'm interested in:
- action
- adventure
- mystery
- horror
- slice of life
- sci-fi
- supernatural
- canonical universes
RP comfort meme

Posted in At the movies right now
Posted 5 years ago
i've heard lots of good things about parasite and i'm excited to see it myself! what did you think?

Posted in finding the plot
Posted 5 years ago
[Locked due to 6+ months of inactivity! If you'd like this thread unlocked to revive, bplease don't hesitate to PM a mod, or submit a support ticket. Thanks!]
i have a handful of characters i created in middle school who have essentially grown up with me. i want to finally do them the justice i think they deserve and write an actual story for them. i have an idea for a setting, and i've spent a good couple years building the world and finding a place in it for each of the characters. the issue is, i don't know what the hell should happen. i don't have any antagonist characters, and i only have vague ideas for why characters would start a journey-- but not where the journey would take them. how do you figure out what to do with your characters?

Posted in Hello world
Posted 5 years ago
@Lucifleur: welcome to voltra! hope you enjoy it here ^_^ also for the advent calendar, i think you can go back and collect the gifts from all the days you missed.

Posted in I am super duper bored
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: hell yes!

Posted in Yay I finally made it to the top posters XD
Posted 5 years ago
congratulations!! i highly doubt i'll ever make it to the top, but it seems like a fun achievement ^_^

Posted in Talk To Transformer (lets play with it)
Posted 5 years ago
i wanted to try out the bot's different features. the first is my own input text, the rest are options from the dropdown list. ^_^
Hot stuff</title>
The Productivity Champion's Inner Workflow</h1>
The nurse staggered down the hallway. Alarms went off in James' mind. Whatever that nurse was, she wasn't human. She had eyes, a tail, and some sort of metal made of metal which appeared to be embedded in her skin.
The nurse spun around, her tail swinging with the motion. As she did, her horn swelled and a pair of spikes danced from it's tip. She knocked into James and sent him flying with an oncoming punch. He took the brunt of the blow, landing in a heap, his arms spl
The nurse spun around, her tail swinging with the motion. As she did, her horn swelled and a pair of spikes danced from it's tip. She knocked into James and sent him flying with an oncoming punch. He took the brunt of the blow, landing in a heap, his arms spl
The Productivity Champion's Inner Workflow</h1>
Making an omelette is simple!
1. Combine a few eggs, 1 tablespoon of the cashews, salt, pepper, pepper to taste, nutmeg and a bit of olive oil in a mixing bowl.
2. Form your omelette into 1-inch thick rounds. Place on a baking sheet.
3. Place them in a dehydrator for 25-30 minutes.
4. Spray the oven with cooking spray.
5. Heat the oven to 375ยบ F.
6. Once the omelette is done
1. Combine a few eggs, 1 tablespoon of the cashews, salt, pepper, pepper to taste, nutmeg and a bit of olive oil in a mixing bowl.
2. Form your omelette into 1-inch thick rounds. Place on a baking sheet.
3. Place them in a dehydrator for 25-30 minutes.
4. Spray the oven with cooking spray.
5. Heat the oven to 375ยบ F.
6. Once the omelette is done
List of the best advice I ever heard:
1. Don't fight man. In fact, don't let a fight even begin. Let them find out where you're hiding.
2. Live your life as it should be lived. Don't worry about moving around or acting like a jerk, because that just gets in the way. Find some place to stay, spend some time there, and try to soak it in. There are many similarities between life and gardening that you don't want to miss!
3. Keep it simple. Read a book, or sit down
1. Don't fight man. In fact, don't let a fight even begin. Let them find out where you're hiding.
2. Live your life as it should be lived. Don't worry about moving around or acting like a jerk, because that just gets in the way. Find some place to stay, spend some time there, and try to soak it in. There are many similarities between life and gardening that you don't want to miss!
3. Keep it simple. Read a book, or sit down

Posted in what helps you sleep?
Posted 5 years ago
i have problems with sleep (you may already know since i talk about it way too much.) particularly i wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. i've tried white noise/calming music and it works some of the time. i find white noise is more useful than music since i focus too much on the melody. my therapist really wants me to try meditation before bed but i always forget to do it. :p is there anything else that helps put you to sleep?

Posted in I am super duper bored
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: it's finally over! lol. that's good news

Posted in Guess the Zodiac!
Posted 5 years ago
i'm gonna guess that @skettiyeti: is a leo but i could be wrong :p
(also don't look at my profile if you're going to guess because i have the answer posted there... maybe i should remove it for now ^_^")
(also don't look at my profile if you're going to guess because i have the answer posted there... maybe i should remove it for now ^_^")

Posted in I am super duper bored
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: this thread was created 11 hours ago and you said your file transfer would take 12 hours, so i'm hoping you're towards the end of it by now! what are you up to now?

Posted in Hello!
Posted 5 years ago
welcome! i'm also a recent gaia transfer and i really like it here so i hope you will too ^_^ don't be a stranger, everyone here is really nice and welcoming! and the conversation is lovely ;p

Posted in lol heyo
Posted 5 years ago
welcome! i recently moved over from gaia as well and i'm really enjoying my time here. hope to see you around the forums some more!