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Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
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Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
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Posted in Chapter Nine: Vichard Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: if its harmless (blood pressure) fainting youre not longer gone than couple seconds otherwhise it can be from the heart wich is pretty dangerous! or it can be an eppileptic seizure etc! i think the docs should have check on it a bit more!
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
577 treatsies
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
572 treatsies
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: hoorayy for childs innocence! ^^ did she look more like you or more like her dad? iam so courious who she will resembles >w<
Posted in Chapter Nine: Vichard Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: hours later O___O???? 1. noone helped you? 2. hours isnt normal did you visit a doctor after this????
the longest i fainted was for 30 seconds my dad told me..... it feels much longer yes! no unless i dont fall on my stomach the baby is save =)
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: i dont know anymore how i was as a kid!
thats nice if she isnt shy =) so she finds friends in no time >w<
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: naaaaw i wasnt this cheeky in mamas whomb xDDD is your little one like you??
Posted in Chapter Nine: Vichard Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yesssss i woud love to know too! and we have many many items so maybe *fingerscrossed* he is in ^^
and i cant get my blood pressure up iam such a person where it is impossible its like a dysfunction of the body. today it was the second day in my pregnancy i fainted the first time i was in my 17. week! i also fainted alot if i was younger! its just like youre dead for some seconds ^^ just blackness
and i can understand why it scares you dear! but fainting dont need to be dangerous! =O
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: she is fine! =) she upset the nurses today! xD she always kicked the belt with the baby heart monitor from my belly so it couldnt get her heart beat right! xD she is so sassy i love her XD
Posted in Chapter Nine: Vichard Posted 5 years ago
yes we got the goal in no time =O awesome! e
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
642 treatsies
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: yes i know right >w<
637 treatsies