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Posted in I'm sipping on.... Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: coffee with milk:) and missing my cats. If the workers are into the House you never See them around
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 5 years ago
@Laufeia: me too iam always sick if we came back from our summer festival trip XDD ahhhhh i feel you i know that problem o well! what genre you like to watch?
Posted in CLOSED Posted 5 years ago
@Boss Rimi: omg i also have 3 furbabies >w< 2 cats and 1 malecat ^^ how about yours? oh and my BF has a little sweetie too ^^
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: gaaaah awesome yesturday i watched this show XD in germany it calls "plötzlich mutter" XDD i have no idea either i just know if you have a front wall placenta you cant feel the movements of the baby so hard..... i have a backwall placenta so she hit me directly xD

thats good youe dont sad anymore and i think its normal to be irritated that way =O

yeah the cold is much better i will go back to work tomorrow if my boss want to see me =))

@Amber Lynne: thank you yeah its awesome =) iam happy the ppl like my stuff ! ^^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 5 years ago
@Zuzu: yes ok oh than i forget the k i guess!!! awesome i send a trade dear!!
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: i will go sleep now for 3 hours ^^ =) see ya later ^^
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: it IS like alien and it feels even more wierd than it lookes XD but well it just shows she is alive and in a good condition so iam really happy :D

no never date such a guy again. and it wasnt your fault to be the "other woman" he could have been honest to begin with! i hope you dont be sad anymore about!

my due day is january the 20th =) babies start beeing active and play in your whomb at the 9-10 week so she is breakdancing in my whomb since 17 weeks xD but you feel the baby movements at first between the 16 and 21 week...... they get more intense every week!

oh and iam awake because iam just less tired since i have this cold XD and today afternoon i already sleep 4 hours XD
Posted in Buying a Few Items Posted 5 years ago
@Raxton: oh and i would love to buy the teabag goodie bag pls :D
Posted in Buying a Few Items Posted 5 years ago
@Raxton: thank you very much :D
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: my babaric baby let my belly dance omg this is always so freaky xDDD
really he dated you and still has wife and kids..... wow *claps* what a jerk! i mean he wasnt loyal either to you nor to his wife *where is the next trashcan*
and yeah he definetly sounds like the abusive type. good you end this as soon at it was possible!!!

yeah he better pass the genes! but we will see what time brings ^^
Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: but i think older users would deny this idea.... i think a raffle would be great where you could win multibles of each =O
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: stoopid! i really dont like vain guys xDD
well yeah hot guys is for the eyes soft guys are for the bed ^-^
what was crazy about him =O??? did he did crazy things or was he abusive?

you would have loved my BF as a baby he was so small and his face was just cheeks..... i saw his pic and i squealed so hard! he had the biggest baby cheeks i ever saw! *_* oh chubby legs >w< and small toebeans >W< okay babies are cute!
Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: yes i think this will happen ^^ aww i think they should produce more of master showstopper and co xD
Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: omg i think there still will be no guarantee we could grab one XD