Miyo02's posts
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Panda: AAAAAAA okay, I got it xD I know now. Don't worry, my pixel lips are sealed. You sure love giving stuff :3
@Panda: AAAAAAA okay, I got it xD I know now. Don't worry, my pixel lips are sealed. You sure love giving stuff :3
Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Yandere: I LOVE GASAI YUNO hahaha. She is the only yandere I love. Even though Mirai Nikki was not an anime yet, I was able to read it in the manga. She's amazingly freaky LOL
Oooooh I do know you O: I see your username in Syn. Are you also in Cae? I think I saw your name there too
Oh trueee. I even had an artshop there. It was really active. But then yeaaah some admin drama ruined the site :(
If you remember Yuuki the Meddler, she was keeping the site active by answering inquiries and announcing stuff though the site was about to go down
@star2000shadow: Oemgee xD that is so cute and funny! how many cats do ya have?
@Yandere: I LOVE GASAI YUNO hahaha. She is the only yandere I love. Even though Mirai Nikki was not an anime yet, I was able to read it in the manga. She's amazingly freaky LOL
Oooooh I do know you O: I see your username in Syn. Are you also in Cae? I think I saw your name there too
Oh trueee. I even had an artshop there. It was really active. But then yeaaah some admin drama ruined the site :(
If you remember Yuuki the Meddler, she was keeping the site active by answering inquiries and announcing stuff though the site was about to go down
@star2000shadow: Oemgee xD that is so cute and funny! how many cats do ya have?
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Panda: Yes I actually didn't think I'd get these items o.o thank you agaiiiin.
The commons can be really pricy though so I think getting all the colors of the items I want will be tough too. But agaiiiin so many users have been really kind <3 thank you
@Panda: Yes I actually didn't think I'd get these items o.o thank you agaiiiin.
The commons can be really pricy though so I think getting all the colors of the items I want will be tough too. But agaiiiin so many users have been really kind <3 thank you
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Panda: Okay ;A; whoever you are, I dunno how to thank you LOL but thanks for the items <3 ;A; but really no clues?
@Panda: Okay ;A; whoever you are, I dunno how to thank you LOL but thanks for the items <3 ;A; but really no clues?
Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Yandere: Ehhh yanderes are supposed to be freaky and cute xD I am not a fan of them in anime, but I like their design and aesthetics... *nods*
Ohhh were you using the same username? ;A; well the site died already... it has been too silent there... it was dead already since people left except for one admin and some lurkers. Buuut yeah they finally closed the site
@Yandere: Ehhh yanderes are supposed to be freaky and cute xD I am not a fan of them in anime, but I like their design and aesthetics... *nods*
Ohhh were you using the same username? ;A; well the site died already... it has been too silent there... it was dead already since people left except for one admin and some lurkers. Buuut yeah they finally closed the site
Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@star2000shadow: Hiii it's a morning here so I just woke up actually. Am waiting for breakfast to be served because my tummy's all rumbly now xD how about your evening?
@star2000shadow: Hiii it's a morning here so I just woke up actually. Am waiting for breakfast to be served because my tummy's all rumbly now xD how about your evening?
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Panda: Noooo D: OTL I tried stalking your profile but no clueeees aaaaa unfaaaaair who're you ;A; any clue?
@Panda: Noooo D: OTL I tried stalking your profile but no clueeees aaaaa unfaaaaair who're you ;A; any clue?
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Panda: OH NOOOOO not agaaaaain. This is the second time someone told me they know and I got no idea OTL hahaha oka okay, I dunno "you" yet but I don't think you have sent me stuff LOL
Who are youu
@Panda: OH NOOOOO not agaaaaain. This is the second time someone told me they know and I got no idea OTL hahaha oka okay, I dunno "you" yet but I don't think you have sent me stuff LOL
Who are youu
Posted in Win Prizes!
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
*pokes thread*
*pokes thread*
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@KeirenKiren: Oh wow your sched is packed! Perhaps ya need rest? Or nah? O:
@Schye: Ahahaa a lot tend to lurk so it's okay ouo I have lurker friends xD so I can be one if ya want
Oh it does <3 it's my home noooow. I love the large avis and people in there.
I love Volt too though but I guess am just more homey in Cae :3
@Panda: Oemgee you lurk in Cae too? O: hahaha
@Neko: Hey! It's a morning here now ouo Just woke up haha. I had a fun day last night. I went to a cat cafe ya see ouo they all had rescue kitties there up for adoption
@KeirenKiren: Oh wow your sched is packed! Perhaps ya need rest? Or nah? O:
@Schye: Ahahaa a lot tend to lurk so it's okay ouo I have lurker friends xD so I can be one if ya want
Oh it does <3 it's my home noooow. I love the large avis and people in there.
I love Volt too though but I guess am just more homey in Cae :3
@Panda: Oemgee you lurk in Cae too? O: hahaha
@Neko: Hey! It's a morning here now ouo Just woke up haha. I had a fun day last night. I went to a cat cafe ya see ouo they all had rescue kitties there up for adoption
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Unicorn: Oh what happened? Busy? O:
I went to a cat cafe yesterday and it was sooo fun. I also got in touch with a friend recently, someone I havent' talked to for years. We came to the cafe and played with the kitties :3
@Unicorn: Oh what happened? Busy? O:
I went to a cat cafe yesterday and it was sooo fun. I also got in touch with a friend recently, someone I havent' talked to for years. We came to the cafe and played with the kitties :3
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
Hi everyone ouo
@Dread Pirate: Oh I was great last night. I visited a cat cafe *A* and the cats there were rescue kitties up for adoption
Hi everyone ouo
@Dread Pirate: Oh I was great last night. I visited a cat cafe *A* and the cats there were rescue kitties up for adoption
Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@Yandere: HAHAHA no need to hide tha yandere love though
Ah no, it's from Syndrone if you know that site, but it died already O:
I'm trying now ouo I need more items though haha which means I gotta go earn more of those volts o.o
That is trueeee aaa people post madly
@star2000shadow: Hi thereeee
@Boris: Oh no D: I was never a fan of spicy chicken... but more of contaminated. Is your tummy okay now?
@Yandere: HAHAHA no need to hide tha yandere love though
Ah no, it's from Syndrone if you know that site, but it died already O:
I'm trying now ouo I need more items though haha which means I gotta go earn more of those volts o.o
That is trueeee aaa people post madly
@star2000shadow: Hi thereeee
@Boris: Oh no D: I was never a fan of spicy chicken... but more of contaminated. Is your tummy okay now?
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo)
Posted 7 years ago
Pixel by cnts
@KeirenKiren: Ohh much more active than me though xD so are you home now?
@KeirenKiren: Ohh much more active than me though xD so are you home now?