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@Kozi: I like crunch things tho, sometimes i grill fish or chicken bones and eat them or make other crunchy stuff. But yeah crickets and ants aren't bad at all.

@Kozi: Cheese with bugs in what is that about? Talking about bugs have you ever tried a cricket bar?

@Kozi: I suppose so we have plenty of things that arent that nice that people are happy to eat here in Sweden and i am not talking about surströmming.

@Kozi: I have eaten it and it was kinda meh, didn't see what all the fuzz was about.

@Kozi: I honestly don't find durian all that bad, people tend to exagerate.

@vengeance: Would be good to start with one or two basic sets.

@vengeance: Yeah thanks again for sending a trade with those items when i joined. It is nice to have a bit more choice than the one outfit you can afford with the starting money.

@Kozi: That isn't so bad, you should smell Danish cheeses, that smell is so pervasive even if you tripple bag it it can still spread into the whole space you store it.

@Kozi: It has a high melting point so you can grill it without it melting. If you don't prepare it right it isnt very tasty and a bit rubbery but if you cook it in the right way then it's great
@vengeance: She probably will, i planned to ask for more a couple of days into the next even since then maybe some new people would have joined and gotten to pick more before me.
Posted in Win a VIRTUOUS GUARD! (Bioshock won) Posted 6 years ago

Well that was a lot of upper range numbers, would have been great to roll in tabletop session
Post 21
Posted in Win a VIRTUOUS GUARD! (Bioshock won) Posted 6 years ago

Back to the grind eh?
Post 20

@vengeance: I was hoping to get some event items when Vladimir opened his shop but he hasn't been on and answered most people on that for several days.

@Kozi: Very yummy, Halloumi made on mostly goat milk is very good also makes great burgers.

@Kozi: Goats are great, they eat everything and they are very nice animals. They are also not all that bad to eat or have as a farm animal and make cheese from their milk.
@vengeance: I like to think of my avatars as character so it has to make sense in my head, also i dont have all that big a sortiment to mix and match yet.

@Kozi: We loan most of our yard to our neighbor which keeps horses there. Animals are good at keeping down nature.
@vengeance: The watermelon one looks a bit flat to me and it's kinda hard to match to other items in a way i like.
Posted in good? morning? Posted 6 years ago

@Mousy: I don't understand why people don't like mondays, shouldn't you be rested then? Thursdays are the worst since you haven't yet reached friday where in the evening you can start relaxing and still have had time to get tired from the three days preceding.
Posted in Hello! Posted 6 years ago

@Zack: I also play a lot of computer games. I am currently playing Hitman 2, The Witcher 3 and Enter the Gungeon.