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I think they should give a donation option. Cause to make sure I was doing it right, I traded with my mule and there was waaay too much going back and forth.
Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
Thank you! Now I can start making a donors post, too <3
@Panda: It still says it wants you to accept one more time?
I'll be heading off pretty soon, myself. Getting a little late.
Now know how the trades work, so that's good. Took me a second xD
TRADE?! -runs to go check-

I was looking at where it said stuff about mules, too but couldn't find it. I already made one. I'll go make another one with my normal username just in case since we can have 2. :vanora_sun:
So far everything seems to be working pretty well for me on my laptop.
I havn't tried it on mobile yet. Probably will tomorrow when I'm out. That definitely could be why you're getting stuck.
At least with your cut-out avi you really stand out :vanora_xd:
Panda, I'm going to go long in right now!

Gizmo, you're familiar, too.
So nice to keep seeing familiar usernames :D
You'll be doing something and then BAM randomly remember.
Some I've been more active on in the past at different times is Roliana, Menewsha, Ernya, Trisphee, Syndrone, and Idk I lose track haha.

A few similar baby avatar sites have been suggested to me through FB. I usually follow them to see how they progress. A lot of baby sites never even get into Beta it seems, though.
Very, very true haha.

So how did you hear about Voltra?
It really could be any one of them xD
Too many to keep up with!

I have a friend on Facebook that I'm like 80% sure I met on an avatar site, too, but I can't for the life of me remember.
Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
Thanks, I was hoping someone would like it :vanora_heart:

Yeah I saw that it's the rare one for the current crate. Maybe I'll be able to donate a little soon to help me get a good start on here. Gotta check my bank account after I go out with friends tomorrow. I don't usually donate much, so we'll see.
Posted in CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
You're name looks pretty familiar.

I typically get Slytherin, but fit well between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. -nods-
B0o, I am doing pretty good tonight :)
About to work on a little bit of art.

How about you?