Night Xiv's posts
Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

Some classic bumpage
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@Kegs: Sure~ Just start the trade whenever you're ready
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

Buying some new stuff!
Especially that Virgo!
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@tsundererra: No problem~
Thanks for selling! ^^
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@Tsundererra: Considering I have 11k of volts ;D
It's totally fine lol Just start the trade whenever you're ready ^^
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@Tsundererra: Oh! Yes please on the Shark Slayer :D
I have a flame dancer, I just need to update the list again and once you get the price on the Magmama I'll see if it's within my budget ;D
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

Bumping up because I'm buying new stuff
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in Fornite's Black Hole Event + Reactions
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

Thankfully, Fortnite is back up and running as of 4 AM my time. I live in Maryland, woke up at 5 and saw that they uploaded the trailer for Season 1 of Chapter 2.
I may be a full-grown adult but, when I say I got a little emotional getting off that battle bus again for the first time in two days and coming back to a new was kinda surreal in a way.
Anyway, I'm glad the game is back up and running and I can't wait to see all the new stuff. I know when I go to work the store will be bombarded with kids coming to buy online currency to get the new battle pass. However, that's not going to stop these rude people from treating these kids like this. It's just one of those things where as long as they're hiding behind a screen they can say whatever they want. That's probably what irritates me the most about it >>
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in Fornite's Black Hole Event + Reactions
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

So in case, anyone was curious (or missed it) Fortnite's season 10 went out with a bang (literally). My sister and I were in the game and watched it live and let's just say it was like watching the end of the world. The music, everything that was almost triggered a small panic attack from me. Then when it was all said and done we were left with just a blank screen with nothing but a black hole in the middle. It's been officially 27 hours since Fortnite has gone dark with no word from Epic. Sony had to come forth and say that Epic Games has reached out to them to reassure everyone that their v-bucks and cosmetic items are fine and will still be there at the start of what's being called Chapter 2 - Season 1.
If you're curious about the Live Event here is a link to my youtube channel (no commentary) of what happened. I apologize that my camera seems to be everywhere. During these events, you kind of have to guess where everything is going to happen. Mind you, this whole thing with Fortnite going dark was so big that CBS news had to cover it!
All caught up? Good. I'm going to try and go into the next topic without cursing up a storm.
There were multiple reactions to this event. Kids crying over the fact that Fortnite is 'over.' Parents calling Epic demanding refunds when it's already been said that the game isn't over. People making stupid memes about the new map, talking about how kids have to go outside like we did back in the 90's now, and even calling people clowns for watching the black hole for the last hour or so. But the most annoying reactions are coming from these grown adults telling kids to die because they like Fortnite???? People who don't like the game are, literally, coming to gamer's streams of the event and some of the comments are just...really?
"Stop breathing if you like fortnite"
"If you like fortnite you're gay anyway"
"I'm glad fortnite's dead. Kids can play a real game like Apex or Call of Duty"
"Finally fortnite is gone. #downwithcancer"
I'm just sitting here, watching these people (who are more than likely CoD fans AKA giant man-children!) telling these kids to die. Now, working in Gamestop I've come across these people. I've had dudes come into the store asking to pre-order Call of Duty and then asking if I play it. When I tell them no because it's not my kind of game their instant response is "What do you play? Fortnite?"
Like, yes I do. I'm a 27-year-old female that loves to play Fortnite because my sister got me into it. Is that really such an issue? I don't like CoD but, you don't see me going around telling my best friend to die because he loves the game (Mind you, he's one of the people that said he's glad fortnite is dead and I was tempted to say I wish the CoD games were dead but, I'm not that kind of person). Nor am I going to tell people at my store that ask for the game that they're gay for playing it. I am also a 27-year-old who is in the Five Nights at Freddy's fandom and while I can't for the life of me understand how kids like the game (nor do I really like the fact that kids like the game because of how dark the lore is) I'm not going to tell those kids to leave the fandom or that they should die because they like FNaF.
I find it sad and kind of funny that these people (more than likely men) are coming out from the bushes just to tell kids this. Honestly, I can't wait to see their reactions when the game is back up and running. Supposedly, the game is returning 6 am or 6 pm Tuesday which sucks because I have to go to work at 3pm that day and won't be home until later in the night.
Anyway, enough of me ranting...honestly I just needed a place to talk about this and not have the same salty people invade my post. You're more than welcomed to give me your opinion on what's happening...unless your opinion is the same as everyone else's and you're just going to tell little kids to die. In that case, please seek medical help.
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@Valefor: Yep~ And I got two of them from a fellow Voltie ^^
I just love the pastel goth aesthetics~ It's something I aspire to be :D
Yep, I'm off the rest of the week, and I think she's going to have me work this Sunday as well. I won't know until the schedule comes out
I finished the game, but I still got side missions to do. But when I finished the game, I literally went "YES, FINALLY! SUCK IT TYREEN!' and my sister was in the room so she just stared at me and then walked out XD
But it was fun. I'm already starting a new game with a new character lol
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@tsundererra: I will~ And thanks again ^^
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@Tsundererra: Especially helps us to save our volts and Ohms so we don't have to buy extra items xD
And thanks so much ^^
"We are the Ultimate Fright"

Posted in [B] A ton of stuff
Posted 5 years ago
"We can't say if you'll Live or Die"

@tsundererra: Oh! I didn't know that :O
Thanks for telling me ^^ Hmmm I guess I'll buy 2 for 10k ^^
"We are the Ultimate Fright"