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Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Ah, well I hope it clears up at least a bit soon. Air quality has not been great for most places lately.

Anyways, tomorrow is my last day of school so I'm pretty happy about that.
Posted in Good Afternoon Everyone Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Lol I'm probably going to be travelling as well soon. Tired of staying in the house all day
@Totalanimefan: I've never had a bird before, but I want to be able to work with them as a career later on. But, I think that I would rather have a cat. They're so cuddly and cute and I really want an exotic shorthair cat. They're like the cutest things ever.

And yea, I don't know if I'll be able to do the event because I'm gonna be busy all summer
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Oh I'm sorry. Where are the fires happening at, like outside or something?? And I just woke up and it's actually pretty nice outside so yay.
@Totalanimefan: Yea I wasn't sure if I should get both cat and bird. Also an event sounds pretty fun!!
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Yea it doesn't seem very fun. Even with my A/C on, I can still feel the heat and it's horrible
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Same here! I really don't like hot weather and it's getting so hot outside that it's annoying and I wish summer would end already lol
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Hello! I just woke up, and I'm hoping today is good.
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
@Shark: I'm doing just fine! Playing on my Xbox rn trying to relax. My therapist came to my house and we walked around my neighborhood so im REALLY TIRED.... but yea, it's been a pretty good day today. Same question, how have you been today? : )
@Totalanimefan: No, I haven't had any pets since I was a little kid, I used to have two cats but we got rid of one and the other one died. I'm hoping to get a parakeet soon, though. I also really love cats, so I want at least one again as well. Also sorry about your dog, it sucks that most pets only live to about 10ish years I wish they could live as long as us.

And I just found this out of curiosity. I really like avatar and pet sites, and I've been looking around EVERYWHERE for some, and this is one of the ones that I found and really liked so far!!! Hoping that more people will find out about this though.
@Totalanimefan: Yea it seems like a lot of people are busy. I've been pretty bored myself though, so hopefully this summer I can do a bit more. Also dogs are a lot lol, but they're sometimes cute
Posted in Good Afternoon Everyone Posted 2 years ago
I'm about to leave school. It's been pretty boring being finals and all, and I've already completed most of what I have to do. Anyways, how's everyone else's day/night/whatever going??
Posted in My Lil Area Posted 2 years ago
Hello everyone! Welcome to my little hangout area~

I hope you enjoy it here <3 Feel free to talk about anything that you want to with anyone.
Posted in Hello Posted 2 years ago