Nyaa Rivers's posts
Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
Still selling

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
@Little Crane: You're very welcome. Enjoy the items ^^

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
@Alyssya: Its no problem at all. And thank you for buying :)
@Little Crane: Yup, that is fine to me. I'll send you a trade :)
@Little Crane: Yup, that is fine to me. I'll send you a trade :)

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
@Alyssya: Sorry for the wait. I've sent you the trade. And I can most certainly hold those items for you :)

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
@Alyssya: Oh, don't even worry. I said I base around price guide prices but I'm always willing to work with/haggle around with them.
If you want to do the low end of those items that is perfectly fine with me.
If you want to do the low end of those items that is perfectly fine with me.

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
@Alyssya: Hi! Very nice item selection.
Take your time.

Posted in [ S / T ] Tons
Posted 6 years ago
I've been gone for a few but I have things to sell!
Just looking to sell or trade. As I am too lazy to list all the prices (Sorry >> ) I'll just say I base anything off the price guide and we can work from there.
Selling ::
100k Milestone (USB Hoodie) x4
1k Members Milestone (Guardian Static)
250k Milestone (City Scape) x4
25k Milestone (Charge Up) x2
400k Milestone (Frizzy Slippers)
500 Member Milestone (Frizz) x2
50k Milestone (Headset) x2
Alpha 10k Milestone (poop) x5
Alpha 5k Milestone (boob or dood) x6
Electric Wild Horns
Ice Wild Horns x3
Key To The City x2
Metal Wild Horns x3
Sound Wild Horns
NPC Venora Plushie x2
NPC Vyctor Plushie
Electric Orb x6
Ice Crystals x5
Metal Smoke
Sound Bush x4
Alphaca Plush x27
Seal Pup x15
Angel Imp x7
Beach Babe x4
Beach Background x2
Big Bang
Candy Corn Witch Belt x6
Candy Corn Witch Broom x7
Candy Corn Witch Hat x7
Candy Corn Witch Shoes x7
Candy Corn Witch Stockings x7
Card Knight x4
Caterpillar x4
Cheshire x4
Crybaby x5
Curious Case x11
Devil Imp x7
Dormouse x4
Easter 2k18 x6
Flower Garden x4
Guardian Spark x6
Heart Bubble (V-day 2k18) x5 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Knave of Hearts x4
Lucky St Paddy 2k18 x3
Mad Hatter x4
March Hare x4
Missing Spell Book x8
Mommy's Little Monster x4
Papa's Lil Angel x3 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Queen of Hearts x3 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Reaper Boots x3
Reaper Jacket x5
Reaper Scythe x4
Reaper Smile x5
Seafloor Fashionista
Skullie Belt
Soulmate Strings (V-day 2k18) x1
Static in Wonderland x4
Surprise Party
Survivor Crafted Armor
Survivor Crafted Gloves x3
Survivor Water Canister
Twin's Spells x7 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Valentina's Tool Belt x7
Valentina's Work Gloves x3
Vanora's Belt x6
Vanora's Necklace x6
Velvet's Earrings x3
Velvet's Necklace x4
Virgil's Hair and Beanie
Virgil's Jacket
Viv's Apron x8
Viv's Flower x6
Vontell's Book x5
Vontell's Watch x6
Vregory Boots
Vregory Hair
Vregory Top
Vregory's Friends
Vyctor's Belt x7
Vyctor's Horns x3
White Rabbit x4
Wonderland x4
Autumnal Spruce x2 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Magnificent Inspector x1 (1 on hold for Alyssa)
The Electrician
The Messenger
Serene Royalty
Porcelain Doll
Just looking to sell or trade. As I am too lazy to list all the prices (Sorry >> ) I'll just say I base anything off the price guide and we can work from there.
Selling ::
100k Milestone (USB Hoodie) x4
1k Members Milestone (Guardian Static)
250k Milestone (City Scape) x4
25k Milestone (Charge Up) x2
400k Milestone (Frizzy Slippers)
500 Member Milestone (Frizz) x2
50k Milestone (Headset) x2
Alpha 10k Milestone (poop) x5
Alpha 5k Milestone (boob or dood) x6
Electric Wild Horns
Ice Wild Horns x3
Key To The City x2
Metal Wild Horns x3
Sound Wild Horns
NPC Venora Plushie x2
NPC Vyctor Plushie
Electric Orb x6
Ice Crystals x5
Metal Smoke
Sound Bush x4
Alphaca Plush x27
Seal Pup x15
Angel Imp x7
Beach Babe x4
Beach Background x2
Big Bang
Candy Corn Witch Belt x6
Candy Corn Witch Broom x7
Candy Corn Witch Hat x7
Candy Corn Witch Shoes x7
Candy Corn Witch Stockings x7
Card Knight x4
Caterpillar x4
Cheshire x4
Crybaby x5
Curious Case x11
Devil Imp x7
Dormouse x4
Easter 2k18 x6
Flower Garden x4
Guardian Spark x6
Heart Bubble (V-day 2k18) x5 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Knave of Hearts x4
Lucky St Paddy 2k18 x3
Mad Hatter x4
March Hare x4
Missing Spell Book x8
Mommy's Little Monster x4
Papa's Lil Angel x3 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Queen of Hearts x3 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Reaper Boots x3
Reaper Jacket x5
Reaper Scythe x4
Reaper Smile x5
Seafloor Fashionista
Skullie Belt
Soulmate Strings (V-day 2k18) x1
Static in Wonderland x4
Surprise Party
Survivor Crafted Armor
Survivor Crafted Gloves x3
Survivor Water Canister
Twin's Spells x7 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Valentina's Tool Belt x7
Valentina's Work Gloves x3
Vanora's Belt x6
Vanora's Necklace x6
Velvet's Earrings x3
Velvet's Necklace x4
Virgil's Hair and Beanie
Virgil's Jacket
Viv's Apron x8
Viv's Flower x6
Vontell's Book x5
Vontell's Watch x6
Vregory Boots
Vregory Hair
Vregory Top
Vregory's Friends
Vyctor's Belt x7
Vyctor's Horns x3
White Rabbit x4
Wonderland x4
Autumnal Spruce x2 available (1 on hold for Alyssa)
Magnificent Inspector x1 (1 on hold for Alyssa)
The Electrician
The Messenger
Serene Royalty
Porcelain Doll

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Blair Elric: Added the item in

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Blair Elric: That sounds good to me. Go ahead and send the trade. :)
@Yixing: I think this happened before to a few other people so could be the site. Trading on here is wonky sometimes lol. I added the items in though ^^ Thank you for buying!
@Yixing: I think this happened before to a few other people so could be the site. Trading on here is wonky sometimes lol. I added the items in though ^^ Thank you for buying!

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Blair Elric: Honestly, whichever you wanna do is fine with me :)

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Yixing: Odd. It showed up on my end. I canceled and re-sent the trade to see if that fixed it.
@Blair Elric: Yup. Its still available.
@Blair Elric: Yup. Its still available.

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Yachiru: No worries. Thanks for stopping by.
@nut: Sure thing. Items added into the trade.
@Yixing: Sure. Go ahead and send the trade.
@nut: Sure thing. Items added into the trade.
@Yixing: Sure. Go ahead and send the trade.

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Neko: Sure thing. Go ahead and send the trade.
@Yachiru: I honestly have no clue what they are worth so honestly whatever you feel comfortable with is fine with me.
@Yachiru: I honestly have no clue what they are worth so honestly whatever you feel comfortable with is fine with me.

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago
@Rallaa: Same.
Thank you for buying!