Okios's posts
Posted in please lock
Posted 7 years ago
@nyuu: oh i hope ur day was fun! and that;s ok take your time ^^

Posted in closed. pls lock c:
Posted 7 years ago
@yixing: right??? only time can tell.

Posted in Precise Timestamps for posts on hover
Posted 7 years ago
@chaos: thanks!!

Posted in Greetings & Salutations
Posted 7 years ago
welcome to voltra! :kirakira:

Posted in heyo. o/
Posted 7 years ago
oof. my heart is still hurting from tinierme. welcome to voltra! do you teach kpop dances?

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
asdkdjs;ldjkgdfg /prays for flats for my sanity

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
@twigg: omg do u want me 2 die my heart can't handle it /)///(\

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
@twigg: asdlk;dlkfgh right?! ToT<333
yeh flat colors pls. i'm too peasant for painted pieces rn lmao
yeh flat colors pls. i'm too peasant for painted pieces rn lmao

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
gorgeous art! ++
fullbody couple art like Rem's style and the purple art above it, but with flat color forrr Autumn Block Party Event Set (40k), Reaping Ritual Event Set (8k), and Wonderland Event Set (8.5k-24k)?
prices based from this price guide
fullbody couple art like Rem's style and the purple art above it, but with flat color forrr Autumn Block Party Event Set (40k), Reaping Ritual Event Set (8k), and Wonderland Event Set (8.5k-24k)?
prices based from this price guide
Looking for couple art of these two as friends or romantic. Either are fine!
Your art is for personal use only, and will be posted (with credit ofc) to my fantumblr.
Personalities/Character dynamics: Fred is a mellow, logical, calm merchant boy, protective of Siela. Even though he has a one-sided love for her, he's always smiling. (But if you want to draw him sad, go for it! I'm all for dramatic snapshots. 8D )
Siela is an upbeat workaholic ("i must work harder!" "I'll do my best!" type of character), cares a lot about protecting her restaurant/home, kind and helpful to others, and is an amazing chef. She has a beautiful sister, so that makes her insecure about her face and chest size (just like in my japanese animes smh). She may have feelings for Fred, but is unaware of it.

Siela Schpeck (シーラ・シュペック) is the 16 year old co-owner of Kamerina's Bar. She has a very dominant, alpha type personality... and is [very hard working]. She is also somewhat insecure about her bust size, although Kamerina assures her that they will mature. Unlike her sister, Kamerina, she has a talent for cooking. The fate of Kamerina's Bar rests in the hands of this young chef!
Source: http://adventure-bar-story.wikia.com/wiki/Siela

Fred Marcus (フレット・マーカス), also named Fred Markus, is the 17 year old owner of Marcus Item Shop, which is a major supplier of Kamerina's Bar. He is very supportive because he is afraid that if Kamerina's Bar goes out of business, he will lose a major customer. Oh, and he's Siela's good friend.
Highly trained in business, he will be very helpful in Siela's mission... as long as Kamerina's Bar remains a loyal customer!
Fred proves himself to be very knowledgeable about the area, providing Siela with information that she doesn't know. At times, he also gives advice to her.
Source: http://adventure-bar-story.wikia.com/wiki/Fred
Your art is for personal use only, and will be posted (with credit ofc) to my fantumblr.
Personalities/Character dynamics: Fred is a mellow, logical, calm merchant boy, protective of Siela. Even though he has a one-sided love for her, he's always smiling. (But if you want to draw him sad, go for it! I'm all for dramatic snapshots. 8D )
Siela is an upbeat workaholic ("i must work harder!" "I'll do my best!" type of character), cares a lot about protecting her restaurant/home, kind and helpful to others, and is an amazing chef. She has a beautiful sister, so that makes her insecure about her face and chest size (just like in my japanese animes smh). She may have feelings for Fred, but is unaware of it.

Source: http://adventure-bar-story.wikia.com/wiki/Siela

Fred Marcus (フレット・マーカス), also named Fred Markus, is the 17 year old owner of Marcus Item Shop, which is a major supplier of Kamerina's Bar. He is very supportive because he is afraid that if Kamerina's Bar goes out of business, he will lose a major customer. Oh, and he's Siela's good friend.
Highly trained in business, he will be very helpful in Siela's mission... as long as Kamerina's Bar remains a loyal customer!
Fred proves himself to be very knowledgeable about the area, providing Siela with information that she doesn't know. At times, he also gives advice to her.
Source: http://adventure-bar-story.wikia.com/wiki/Fred

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 7 years ago
Hoody (후디) - 한강 (HANGANG) bopbopbopbop

Posted in closed. pls lock c:
Posted 7 years ago
sometimes i wonder if i'll grow to be 50 and still be on avi sites lmfao OTL

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 7 years ago
Hoody (후디) - 한강 (HANGANG) so catchyyyyyyyyyyyy prrt

Posted in Favorite books?
Posted 7 years ago
The Little Red Hen