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Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 4 years ago
Anthrax - Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't
Posted in Who else is feeling burnout raise your hand Posted 4 years ago
I need a vacation. 'nuff said
Posted in ◕ ◡ ◕ Posted 4 years ago
j0. *waves*
Posted in PS5 announcement show Posted 4 years ago
Let me know when someone says something about Final Fantasy XVI, lol.
Posted in MARK WANTS STUFF! -- a quest(come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
And thread updated!
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyBats: I know that feeling; I'd like to grab an inexpensive mic/headset combo for possible streaming, but I don't really need it, as ear buds do the trick for music, and my webcam has a mic built in.
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart: Nothing wrong with that. That reminds me, I need to get a new phone before next year, so Tracfone will stop griping about how my phone is "no longer compatible", or some garbage like that.

@LilMissKushy: Yeah, there are more than a few of us Menewshan ex-pats on here. The community here is really great. (I'm still waiting for Amane to show up and grab the top poster spot within five minutes of her signing up, lol)

@MoodyBats: rock on. *gives a thumbs up*

In other news, Mayuyu's new power supply should be here today, and tomorrow, I'm gonna get my game on. If I can get her running FF XIV at a minimum of 30 fps, I'll be a happy camper.
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart: Oof. That sucks, hardcore.

In other computer-related news, I had to spring for a new power supply, but it's better than the one currently in Mayuyu(500 watts as opposed to Mayuyu's current 275w). Plus there should be enough power cables for me to have everything plugged in(drives, video card)and not fret.

@LilMissKushy: The one and only, lol.

@PurpdaBurpPurp: Right now, I'm just hoping for ONE day this week where I don't have to go anywhere and I can just be a loaf.

@MoodyBats: Well, don't forget to treat yourself, even if it's something small, because why not?

(Now, if Jim Cornette's onlins store would reopen so I can buy a "Cornette face" shirt... :viosweat: )
Posted in MARK WANTS STUFF! -- a quest(come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
/me pushes thread back to the front page

I really should update this, as there are a few new items I'd like...
Posted in inuyasha is getting a sequel Posted 4 years ago
I'd rather have a Urusei Yatsura sequel, but that's me.
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@sunny: More or less, yeah. Although I wish I had just one day of simple rest and relaxation.
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Well, it's more likely the con will go on than not at this point. Of course, that could change...
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart: Normal laptops tend to be kind of slow, anyway. If you want something with zing, you'd have to get a gaming laptop, but a good one will cost you money. (Refurbished is ok, if you can find one.) Other wise, yeah -- go for the iPad.

@Totalanimefan: First full weekend in November.

@kegs: Oof, that sucks. Feel better, ya?

@SuperZombiePotatoe: Yeah, cons are getting cancelled left and right. Thank goodness Concellation is a thing, also virtual cons.

@sunny: There are times I wish I could stay in, but since I work in a grocery, I'm considered "essential personnel". It's a pain in the backside. :viodead:
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I'm just hoping Nekocon doesn't get cancelled. If that happens, I have no idea what I'll do. :viocry: